What We Can't See

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    You and Jungkook still lay there under the tree, while Jimin sat up in the leaves wondering about what could be and how your undead lives would change. He knew he would love it; to be with you for all eternity until the world would end. Jimin loved loving you and that was all he could think about was taking care of you. Another feeling still lingered that maybe something would go wrong. To think all this time he's been trying to keep you away from being a vampire and you actually being one already. Jimin knew it wasn't your fault; you didn't know after all. 

Jungkook began to speak once again, "Y/n...would it be alright to call you family anyway?" 

"Of course Jungkook, I don't mind." After hearing those words Jungkook silently smiled. He felt it was not a good time to celebrate under these circumstances, so he kept his happiness to himself. Jungkook was the scary type and mostly only displayed one emotion to other people, but just in one day you've seen the many sides of him that was rare to see. You made him feel emotions that haven't clicked in his mind in a long time; he was thankful to know that he wasn't completely dead inside. Jungkook has felt so much today he didn't mind shedding a tear right beside you again. As the tears developed in his eyes he let them fall without resent, he actually liked the cold happy tears falling from his face accompanied by your warm embrace on his skin. 

     You held him as he cried silently with a smile on his face, gently petting his black hair. You could feel Jimin's gaze on both of you. When you looked up at him, he quickly looked the other way. A smile spreads across your face before saying, " There's room for one more, Jimin." Jimin looked back at you like a shy puppy and hesitated to jump down and sit with you, but he did. He plopped himself right beside you, then you placed your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. 

     You accidently fell asleep while Jungkook and Jimin just sat there waiting on you to wake up. The sky got darker and darker until the moon at it's fullest was the only source of light. You woke up in the middle of the night still sitting next to both. "How long was I out for?"

"About three hours, more or less." Jimin said. Jungkook just starred at you with his hand to his mouth, with an impatient expression. He also bounced his leg up and down like he was waiting for you to do something. 

" It's been really quiet out here since we left, I haven't seen her and Jungkook hasn't sensed anything around us." Jimin says. " I don't know why Wendy would want us to come out here but it worked," he soon added. 

   " Maybe she wanted us to find this hole in the ground," you responded back to him. Still Jungkook hadn't said anything yet, he just listened to your conversation with anticipation. It took you a while to realize he hasn't said anything.

" Are you okay Jungkook?" 

   He didn't answer the question, instead he stopped bouncing his leg up and down. Then he said, "What if SHE wanted us to find where she was buried?" When he spoke he emphasized the she which indicated that he wasn't talking about Wendy, he was talking about the woman in the mirror. You remembered your flashback, " It wouldn't be that far from here actually..." After Jungkook was buried as a child, the woman came across Jimin at a palace. 



" There wouldn't happen to be a palace nearby would there?"

" No, but there was one." He was confused by your question but it took him some time before he realized what you were trying to get at. "Your not actually thinking about finding where she died are you?" 

"Maybe she can do that awakening thingy that Taehyung talked about."

"She's dead-"

"Yes, but her powers still work on us. How do you think we got this far?" Jungkook agrees with you. Jimin looks at both of you before he finally complies. " Fine, but it was burned down a long time ago; there might be some debris."

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