Those Three Special Words

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Jungkook lead the group back down deep into the woods. Your still on Jimin's back trying to decipher what's out in front of you in the dark; you can't see unlike the vampires in front of you. Soon enough you got tired of it and just looked up at the moon. "It's pretty isn't it?" Jimin asked

" Mhm... If only we had time to stop and take the sight in."

" I could take you after all this is over..." Then he lowered his head to kiss one of your arms that were wrapped around his neck. It was a ticklish sweet kiss that made you bury you face into his back from shyness. His smile appeared once again on his face.

You didn't know where you were going, your body ached with every step. Jimin knew you were cold, tired, hungry, sad, happy, and angry. You were all the emotions that contradicted each other. Physically cold, but being wrapped around Jimin made you feel warm and happy on the inside. Happy to be alive and with Jimin, but outraged and depressed just thinking about Seulgi and today's events. Thinking of what could've happened if you didn't come at all, regrets. Besides these simple human emotions and feelings, there was a heavy atmosphere you felt around you. It didn't feel dangerous- it was more neutral. You felt comfortable with these two vampires and safe.

You walked for a good mile or so before Jungkook abruptly stopped causing Jimin to stop. " Do you see that?" Jungkook said. You lifted your head up and you saw it too. A tree with red leaves in the middle of the woods that was shown by the moonlight. All of you could see the red tree even though it almost looked unreal. (It's beautiful...) you thought to yourself.

" Wait a minute, it's summer. Why is the tree's leaves red?" you asked.

" That's because it's not a tree Y/n. Under that tree is what your looking for." Jimin answered

" When a princess vampire dies, a flower blooms. When the queen dies, a tree emerges. Wow-Namjoon's pointless lessons aren't so useless after all," Jungkook said. Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook's statement.

" So... now what? Do we dig her up or-" You were talking until a cool gush of wind blew you in to the direction of of the crimson tree. Almost as if the tree were telling you to "come closer", like a calling. All of you feeling this wind, obeyed it's command and soon stood right in-front of it. " I would like to get down now, Jimin"

Jimin let you on your feet. When your feet touched the soft grass, a light appeared behind the tree. As the light creped out from behind the tree, a beautiful women came out with it. There, this light presented a beautiful woman in a white hanbok, smiling with anticipation at all three of them. Her pearl white hanbok stretched past her toes and cresses the floor as she walked out from behind the crimson tree. Her skin was illuminated by the light radiating off of her pale and delicate skin. Her features flawless and smooth. Her hair was up in a traditional style that marked her powerful. It was the ghost of the Queen slowly walking out in front of everyone. She looked exactly how she looked in Jimin's mirror from earlier. Still smiling. However this smile looked more loving and sincere.

Then she spoke without moving her lips,
" I'm so proud of you children. Jungkook and Y/N,"

you both looked at each other.

" What do you want from us? Or more specifically, from me?" You asked

"What any mother would want after losing their child. To see them again."

Jungkook started to walk up to her then he ran and hugged her. You thought he would go through her so you shouted his name but that didn't happen. She was solid and gracefully took him in her arms. Then in an almost disgusted tone, Jimin said " We didn't come here for a family reunion, we cam here for your help,"

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