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As the years were being spent, Saehild was growing into a energetic child. Being raised by Aldhelm's family members, his cousin Ethel and aunt Mildred, wasn't all that bad. No one really seemed to care for the girl within the city. To them she was just another child roaming the streets, and Saehild was to young to really realize anything was wrong. Aldhelm did not hide from his daughter, but the family taught her to keep her true identity a secret. Like any other, she would play with the other children and go about life. The father adored his child, often he would see her running about the town causing chaos. He would visit as much as he could, but with Aethelred as Lord of Merica, the country was beginning to see the early stages of failure. Aethelred was a greed filled ruler, unlike the Lady Aethelflaed. It seemed as if having Saehild, softened Aldhelm's heart. He no longer wanted a King Of Mercia but wanted a Mercia where families could live for generations. Aldhelm could no longer wear the boar that was Aethelred's family seal. Instead he wore The Lady of the Mercian seal, the seal had not been wore for some time now but it only seemed right. She would be the one to bring Mercia to greatness.


A searing hot pain coursed through out Aldhelm's body, the heat making him sweat. It felt like ages sitting in the Lady Aehthelflaed's chamber, praying, hoping that she would show herself soon. Somehow, Aldhelm had managed to enter the chamber unnoticed, but he feared if she did not show soon he may be done for. Luckily, in the agonizing wait she finally opened the door to Aldhelm sitting on the ground holding his stomach with blood pouring from his hand, "Lady, forgive me, I did not know where else to go."

In haste, she helped Aldhelm up and on to a chair removing his robe, so that she could treat the wound. She gathered as many rags as she could find to help stop the bleeding. The wound was not too deep, but Aldhelm seemed to have lost a lot of blood.

"He believes he can negotiate," Aethelflaed firmly pressed the rag to the wound, cutting him off and making Alhelm grunt in pain, "or is at least considering the possibility."

"The bleeding has stemmed. I hope." Aethelflaed was trying her hardest to aid him, but she had never been much of a healer.

Aldhelm scoffed, "A gut wound is a slow death." he said looking to the fire griting his teeth.

"A gut wound can heal. It will heal."

Breathing heavily, Aldhelm tried to feel some type of relief, at least someone had faith for him. He watched as Aethelflaed cared for him, and how attentive she was. He let out a heavily sigh, "Lady...you have my heart", he paused as Aethelflaed lifted her gaze to see his was fouced down, "I fear that I love you." He lifted his eyes to see that Aethelflaed's was focused on the wound, but he could see that his words did affect her, "If I can't say it while dying when will I?"

"You are not dying." she removed the cloth and sat back slightly.

"Lady you must act, for Mercia. You must." his voice cracked, "Call the men to arms and save us."

Aldhelm inhale sharply, carefully creating a per thought out sentence, "Lady I must tell you another matter...I have a child, a daughter." Aethelflaed stopped figgiting with the rag and norrowed her eyes, "She's the same age as yours, and lives in Aegelesburg. Help me protect her. If Aethelred has come for me in such a way, I fear that he will soon find her and do the same."

"I, erm, I can find a nunnery that will take her in." Aethelflaed stuttered.

"No!" he said quickly jolting up, then back down from the pain, "No nunneries. She--" he paused. Was he really about to lay his and Saehild secrets out in the open, "Her mother was a Dane, and ask for her never to be raised in a church."

"Was?" the lady questioned.

"She die shortly after the birth." he looked to the ground. Aldhelm's purpose was to sever Mercia, but it was also to protect Saehild. He was no disloyal man, and would respect the late Astrid's wishes.  Aldhelm placed his hand over Aethelflaed that laid in her lap stunned for the news, "Please, Lady. It is not for me, but for Saehild. Such a young child should not be exspoed to a man who would stab his own guard."

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