head canons

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Hey everyone, here is a little something to get you through final season, if you're going through it at the moment.

I would say "You got this, you're so close!", don't get me wrong YOU DO, but personally I'm so sick and tried of hearing that shit. So instead, I'm right with you I understand the overwhelming pressure and work load, and I hope this offers you a moment of peace.

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- Aelfwynn had heard the rumors of her parentage as a child and Saehild tried to shield from most of it. Saehild knew how hurtful being a bastard could be.

- Aelfwynn wore green ribbons in her hair as a child and Saehild wore blue ones. However on special occasions they both would wear pink ones.

- Aethelstan kept Saehild letters in a chest under his bed, but once the massacre of Rumcofa he left them all behind. 

- A scene from season 5 ep 9, that I didn't include but thought about a lot: 

Solemnly, and mostly bored, Aelfwynn hung her head out the window of her confined room, wishing to be somewhere else. The days were becoming longer, and her patience was running out. In her bones she knew that her father and sister would come for her, but that hope was becoming less. Lost in thought, Aelfwynn stared at the water thinking that it would be a better fate then this. So lost in her head the princess didn't even hear the door open.

"Do you plan to jump and swim away?", the strange man said, startling Aelfwynn.

Gaining her standing Aelfwynn ball her fist and tensed her body, "Perhaps."

"Well, do not be fooled by the calm." Aelfwynn studied how the man looked. Good fur over his shoulders, a bronze crown a top his head, "The tides here change quickly. You'd be dashed on the rock."

"I do not care. My life is over." A part of the girl cringed at the words that came out of her mouth, because they were true, "Are you the King of the Scots?"

"Are you the bride?"

"So I'm told."

The King of the Scots nodded his head lightly, looking Aelfwynn up and down then to the ground, "Why are you not married?" the Mercian girl asked, "You're older than my father."

"Which father would that be?" the king shot back.

The words hit Aelfwynn like a branch. To her, her "father" would always be Aldhelm. He was more a father to her than any other man who tried to be. From tutors to knight that wanted to sway her mother, they all tried but never succussed. But he was right, which father? When the girls were younger, they'd hear whispers that Aelfwynn was the child of a Dane. Some would even say that Lord Aldhelm may well be her actual father, but the Queen didn't want to live that truth, or even that she wasn't Aethelred's child at all. Yet, she doesn't even have memories of the former king. Her mother didn't really talk about him, nor did Aldhelm. Saehild tried her hardest to protect her from the gossip, but the rumors still made her head spin. She would never know if they were true or not. 

Hurt the lady put her head down, making King Constantin feel bad for what he said. She was just a child to him. Looking back seeing others outside the door, he shut it tight, "My apologies, it's an unkind joke." he shook his head walking closer to stand face to face, "You already hate me?"

"Yes." Aelfwynn said matter-of-a fact like, fiddling with her rings. 


"Because I do not wish to marry you!" she gestured with her hands, "It is a simple truth. This is being forced upon me.

Constantin paused a moment, "I do not wish to marry you either."

"Then free me from this bargain." Aelfwynn begged.

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