Part Wan

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I hit the space bar to pause what I was watching and to wipe the tears running down my face. " Damn this Ep.10 of Gap the series really do hurt, those spoilers on tiktok and every social platform possible weren't lying" I said to myself. I shook my head and I stood up from my bed to get some water, I shed some tears time to bring some water in back. After a few minutes of drinking and having a little conversation with my mother which was at the living room watching some her Korean dramas. I went back to my room to continue watching, but I soon as I sat on the edge bed my phone lit up. It was a twitter notification.

HOLY SHIT I said to myself "Freen and Becky are coming to the Philippines!!" I started jumping up and down of excitement after a few jumps stopping and catching my breath then looking back at my phone to read the full details of the post.

I have seen them both about quite a few times already, been a fan since SCOY era. I wasn't really into BL series but I saw a clip of Freen and Becky from SCOY and they just caught me, from then on I've been following them and adoring them.

Flashback to where I first saw Freen and Becky in person (Pinoy Bl festival)
---- these are all based on my imaginations since I really didn't have the chance to attend the event ----

*Applause and cheers*

Freen and Becky just finished performing, to be honest not a lot of the fans that attended the event came for Freen and Becky which was completely understandable since this festival is really about BLs and Freen and Becky are only the two who are a GL couple.

"Hello everybody, how is everyone doing today?" Freen started, we all shouted our answers, some were really just shouting. "Hope you all are doing good and enjoying the event" followed Becky while smiling widely "ghad this baby is so cute" I said to myself. After a few shouts here and there the crowd went almost silent and something in me just told me to shout and so I did " I love you TWO!" I shouted almost losing my voice, thank God it didn't crack haha. But it was all worth it because it made Freen and Becky looked at my direction with both of them squinting their eyes trying to find the one who shouted. I raised my hands and waved to let them know that was me! (my seat wasn't that far from the stage luckily), after they saw my hand they looked at each other and giggled. "HI there" said Becky and then gave a little giggle "We love you too!" Freen followed. I stood up from my seat (even though it was against the rules) and then quickly gave them a heart sign, which they reciprocate. (I turned weak after that encounter) The whole event went very very well, I thought I will be bored the whole event because Freen and Becky doesn't have the whole spotlight, but I was wrong these BL couples look cute!

After the event I went home with all smiles on my face, I was at the taxi replaying the video I was luckily taking while my encounter with Freen and Becky happened. AH BEST DAY!

After that day I had become one of the luckiest fans, not only because they noticed me that exact moment, but because after that every  time I watch their lives, comment on their posts. most of them were noticed by the two. they even know my user name, and they always say it cutely with a greeting just for me (my heart!) I may also say we are closeeeeee hahaha just kidding, in my dreams maybe!

--- End of Flashback ----

Today is January 29th and the post said the selling of tickets will be tomorrow at exactly 6pm PH time. And here I am panicking, Freen and Becky are now very popular and I'm pretty damn sure that the tickets will be sold out in a matter of minutes. Well I love that they are now receiving the recognition they deserve but, I want to see them again, I want to meet my girls again and by the looks of it, It has now become less possible. "Ill do what I can to get that ticket" I sigh as I lay down to continue Ep10. 


*Alarm ringing*

I stretched the hell out as I opened my eyes and reached out my hand to turn of this darn alarm, as soon as I did I saw there was another notification from twitter and it was a video greeting of Freen and Becky about them coming this Feb 12 in the Philippines. I quickly tapped on the notification and watched the whole thing with a smile on my face, "awwww my parents looks so damn good!" I said to myself. After the video ended I quickly retweeted it with a caption "I hope to see you again"

"Your nameeeeeee" I heard my mother shouting just near my door I assumed because it was too damn loud. "IM AWAKE!" I replied throwing air punches, not because of how loud my mother is but because I was thinking how the hell am I going to secure that ticket later. I got up sighing. "Lord please just give this to me!" I whispered while looking up. then proceeded to do those morning routine stuff. When I was finally done, I got out of my room to have some breakfast. 

"you okay?" my mom asked, I quickly looked at her and made a sad face. "oh what's wrong?" she asked me from across the table. "Freen and Becky are coming here!" I said feeling down "uh? aren't you supposed to be happy? you will be able to see your girls again!" She said excitedly but confused to why I was sad. (Yes my mom knows I love them and that I've been a fan since the beginning. IN FACT! she was the one who bought my ticket for the Pinoy BL festival.) "I'm! so happy that they will be coming back, but its gonna be different this time mom! they are bigger artists unlike before, the fandom has gotten big and the venue they picked was SMALL!" I said gesturing with my hands. "ohhhh, right" my mom said defeated. "and the selling of tickets will go live later at 6pm, and it costs 6k. ugh!" I exclaimed putting my hands up my face screaming in them. "you have money, your name. You can buy that. you have worked your ass for two years on your past job, time to spend for yourself. you deserve this!" She said standing up from her seat and went to hug me. "tell you what, lets secure that ticket later! Ill help, just... teach me how first haha" She said shaking me lightly and giggling "Really? you'll help?" I asked a smile forming on my lips. and then she nodded in response. I hugged her back "Thank you so much!" I nearly shouted. "Now lets eat" she said letting go and going back to her seat.

The whole day went with us preparing on how to secure that ticket. and of course with all the repeated teaching because you know mothers and technology don't go well together! But I'm just so happy that she's trying! really...

A/N: soooooo, new story! hope you who is reading is having a good day! sending smiles!!

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