Chapter 2: Mother

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"You useless cunts!"

Jihyun was thrown across the room "Unnie! You bastard! Why did you do that?!" a 10 year old Seoyeon exclaimed, pushing her father. Hoseok sneered and held Seoyeon by her collar "you think you're so tough?! you don't even have the guts to stand up for yourself!" he yelled. Seoyeon tried escaping his grip, tears starting to form in her eyes

"you're gonna cry now?! This is your problem. you're too weak." He then pushed Seoyeon to the ground "Hoseok!" a beautiful lady barged in the room "Your own daughters?! Seriously?!" she yelled "these disgusting little shits are not my blood. I would never have such pathetic children!" Hoseok spat

Yesoon carried the weak Jihyun in her arms "you're a monster. This is why father hid his treasures from you!" she exclaimed before taking her kids to their room. As she was being dragged out if the room, Seoyeon glared down at her evil father. she swears to her life, she will kill him

"he's gone mad mama! He cares about nothing but those treasures!" Minseo exclaimed, flopping onto her mother's bed "We need to get away from here mom, it's not safe anymore" Jieun said as she watched her mom patch up Jihyun's bruises "Yes, I know sweethearts.. But we can’t leave just yet, The paperworks for the divorce and custody over you guys are still being processed" Yesoon said in a sorrowful tone. Miyoung hugged her mother tight as to comfort her "We'll get through this mommy. We'll buy a tiny house! and plant a lot of mangoes!" She said enthusiastically. Yesoon smiled "I raised you girls so well" she then place a kiss on all their heads "We promise we'll get out of this mom" Jihyun said

As they were falling asleep in their mother's arms, a gun shot was set off "YESOON!" they heard as angry footsteps gets closer. Seoyeon jumped off the bed and locks the door just in time as knocks from the devil started "Divorce and a lawsuit?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! I am your husband! I feed you!" Hoseok yelled, the patience in his voice grew thinner "Open this door! Yesoon!"

Yesoon quickly got off bed and grabbed the backpack from under "We don't have much time left. We need to go. Hurry babies" Seoyeon ran to them just in time as Hoseok broke down the door "Yesoon!" he exclaimed. Yesoon closes the window as they escaped through the fire escape

Running to the gate with Hoseok following in "Ahn Yesoon don't make me do this!" he yelled as he caught up with Jieun, who had troubles breathing from all the running "Mom!"

Yesoon looked up and saw Hoseok holding Jieun at gun point "Hoseok don't you dare" she said "won't I." Hoseok clicks his gun and held the trigger. Tears started streaming down Jieun's eyes as her breathing kept being unstable "Unnie needs her inhaler ma.." Seoyeon muttered to Yesoon

Yesoon clenched her fist and grabbed the inhaler from Seoyeon's bag "Okay.. Okay you win Seok.. Just let Jieun breath first.. Please" she pleaded as she slowly approached Jieun, mainting eye contact with Hoseok. Once she was close enough, she gave the inhaler to Jieun "It's okay baby.. it's okay, mommy's here" Yesoon hugged Jieun tightly "I can breathe now.." Jieun whispered "On 3.." Yesoon whispered back. they both silently counted "1..2.."


Yesoon punched Hoseok on the neck making his stumble. Jieun ran to the van with Yesoon following her "You made a serious mistake!" Hoseok exclaimed as he aimed the gun at Yesoon

Seoyeon noticed this "Mom! MOM LOOK OUT!" Their ears started to ring as a gun shot was fired. They watched as Yesoon slowly stopped running with her hand on her stomach

"Mom..?" Seoyeon quivered. Yesoon gathered enough power to push Seoyeon in the van and close the door "M-Mom no.. Mommy" Seoyeon cried as she looked at Yesoon smiling weakly at her "Be safe.." Yesoon muttered before multiple gunshots was fired on her back. Seoyeon watched as the body of her lifeless mother slide down the window

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