Chapter 2

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Bold = English

Italics = on call with someone

'Text' = Thoughts

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Man I really didn't want to get up but oh well, I'm not going to school because I have to search for a job. I yawned as I sat up and turned over to my bed side table to grab my phone but ended up falling and face planting. 'What a wake up call...' I thought sarcastically as I got up and looked over to my side table and reached for my phone to check the time.

And there were a few missed texts and a missed call, most of the texts were from Seb shouting at me for skipping school, but the others were from one of my classmate, Inazumi Nukihara and the missed call was left by Courtney who left a voice message.

"Hey you pain in the ass, you haven't called or texted me in what a day? Come onnnn~ how was your first day?" She said through the phone as I relayed the voicemail that she left before replying with a simple text elaborating my day.

Now that I'm up I might as well get ready and head out to that interview I scored last night, somehow they replied to my application in a matter of hours, I guess that they were super desperate huh. I made my way down stairs where I was met with a small sticky note.

"You better have a good excuse to skip or I'll ring your neck with spaghetti." The note read as I scoffed how could this idiot think that will scare me, and with that I scrunched up the note and tossing it in the bin before toasting some toast and spreading some Vegemite on one and mashed avocado on the other. 'Ah yes like a true Australian stereotype.' I smiled to myself as I scrolled through Instagram and looked at my friends in Australia accounts to see if anything was updated. "Guess I have to go now, luckily my rented car was dropped off earlier this morning." I thought aloud as I finished up my breakfast and headed out to the antique store where I was hoping to get a job at.

- - -

"Sweettt~!!!" I squealed as I looked at the text I received that said that I was hired and that my shift starts tomorrow, luckily that was a day with no school. 'Oh yeah I should head to practice because that 2nd year coach is going to kill me I bet, wait... what's her name again?' I thought before face palming myself that I couldn't remember the coaches name.

As I headed out I got a call from Courtney so I hooked it up to the radio so I could talk while I drove to school. "Yo, Courtney how are you going?" I asked as I heard her groan before she replied.

"Yeah not so good, here I thought my last year would be fun but all I have is business assessments and I have to start studying earlier in the term for that stupid chem test..." I could just hear her irritation through the phone, shame.

"Yeah sounds sucky, well I have a job at an antique store so that's good, I also joined the boys basketball team as a manager." I said as I pulled up to the school and parked outside the back gate before saying bye and hanging up.

'The fuck is with all these chicks waiting outside the gym, bitches move I'm coming through.' I thought as I made my way past the crowd and entered the gym to be met with a blonde guy that looks a few inches shorter than me.

-Ryota's PoV:-

"Sorry girls but could you wait 5 minutes, sorry ssu~" I asked the hoard of girls as they let out groans but made their way out of the doorway, I turn back to see Kurokocchi who was talking to this foreign looking girl. 'Holy crap she is so tall!?' I screamed mentally as I walked up to Kurokocchi.

"KUROKOCCI! I MISSED YOU!" I shouted as I ran over to him as he turned away from the girl, "Oh hello." He replied as bluntly as ever but that girl turned and looked at. "Uhm who are you, and why are you interrupting our practice and my conversation?" She said with a disgusted face, wait... 'WAIT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO I AM?!' I screamed mentally as my face was filled with shocked.

"Y-you don't know who I am?" I questioned still in shock that someone doesn't recognise me, "Am I supposed to?" she replied as everyone in her team just sweat dropped. "Oh right you have no idea who the generation of miracles are huh?" Kurokocchi's captain said as he face palmed, "Wait you don't know who the generation of miracles are, for real?" I questioned again as I turned to face her, who even is she?

"Oh well doesn't matter who you are please leave and come back after practice you're wasting time." She scoffed as I got annoyed, who does she think she is? "Who are you, tell me your name?!" I pointed to her as she swatted my hand down and shaking her head disappointed.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to point you dog? Anyway my name is Catherine or Kyasarin Williams, pleasure to meet you." She replied and gave a small bow, before I could ask more I was interrupted by a ball whizzing over towards me. Obviously I caught it and I looked to see who the offender was and it was this red head with weird eye brows. "You didn't come all this way to chat right, how about we play a one-on-one huh?" He said as I threw the ball back to him.

"Sure why not, first point wins?" I asked as I got into position of offence and he got onto defence, "Of course." He replied as he passed it to me to initiate the game, I guess I'll just copy the move he did earlier, you know to assert dominance heh.

- - -

Well that was interesting, I just watched Taiga have his moved used against him, well that's what Tetsuya said. "Cool well that was a waste of time, I can't just leave empty handed... Kurokocchi, come play with me at Kaijo!" I heard the Blonde guy whose name I learnt was Ryota Kise declare. "No thank you." Tetsuya answered quickly and politely as I giggled at his bluntness.

"Wow so mean~!" He whined as he turned to me pointing his index finger, again what a douche, "I like you, you seem pretty cool why don't you join Kaijo as a manager?" is he dumb or so small minded that a peanut has more brain capacity.

"No." I replied bluntly then said my farewell to the team before heading out the door to the gym, "What an idiot I swear it's always the blondes." I thought out loud as I opened the door to the drivers side before driving off.

'I guess he is the opponent we are playing in the practice match huh?' I thought as I stopped at a red light and someone who had black hair pulled up next to me with a bike connected to a rear-cart with a green haired glasses wearing guy inside on his phone.

'Wow Tokyo has so many weird people with weird hair colours.' I scoffed at the oddness. Whatever I have work tomorrow and I have to be there at the crack of dawn.

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End of chapter 2 hey? Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote if you like the fan fic so far!

With care,


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