Chapter 5

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Bold = English

Italics = Call / Voicemail

'Text' = Thoughts

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-Inazumi's PoV:-

As we made it to the Gym I was interested on how she plays, I have seen her play on TV but never in person, she was the ace so maybe... 'HOLY COW!?' I mentally shrieked as I saw her emerge from the gyms changing rooms, she looked like a goddess even though it was just a basic outfit, she made it look 10x better!?

I passed her a ball and she went to one side and got into a shooting stance, wait she is on the opposite side of the court? What is she doing standing that far away? I thought as she jumped up and shot the ball with an incredible arc, it looks lik...

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I passed her a ball and she went to one side and got into a shooting stance, wait she is on the opposite side of the court? What is she doing standing that far away? I thought as she jumped up and shot the ball with an incredible arc, it looks like that carrot from the Generation Of Miracles? No way, is she on par with them?!

I watched it sore threw the air and make a satisfying swish, it looked so cool it's unreal, "Did you see that!! That's the best one I have ever made, you're my new lucky charm!" She cheered as I gave her a giggle, "ALL RIGHT!!!" I shouted throwing my hands above my head.

"What the-" I heard an unknown voice chime in causing us to stop cheering and turn to look at who the voice was. "Oh it's just you Taiga." I heard Kyasarin-chan greet the tall boy with red hair, "How did you do that?!" his shouting caused me to jolt up and hid behind Kyasarin-chan as she turned to face me.

"You alright?" she asked me as I shyly nodded as she turned to face the red head, "Oi, you scared Inazumi, show more respect to your upperclassmen." she said with a smile, though she was smiling she had a glare that could kill. "Y-yes ma'am..." He muttered under his breath, he was about to ask something he was interrupted by someone else.

"Aida-chan, she wanted you and the upperclassmen to come and watch the next opponent, Seiho." Tetsuya reminded Taiga as he just groaned and turned to Kyasarin-chan, "You tagging along, you are the manager?" she just shook her head, "I already looked over and gave my thoughts, right now I'm practicing." she replied bluntly. I could tell he had Irk marks littered all over his face.

-Catherine's PoV-

"Why you-" He was about to yell at me like an idiot but was interrupted by Inazumi, seems she got over her shyness, "Shoo! I wanna watch Kyasarin-chan practice, you're wasting her time, go with your boyfriend and come back when you have more respect!" She yelled at him as he stiffened up before begrudgingly leaving.

"Wow Zumi-chan~ didn't think you had it in you." I smirked while wiggling my eye brows as she started to go as red as a tomato. "Well, it's been a month since we have known each other so no surprise here." I answered myself as I went back to doing some drills before the bell rang, signalling the end of break.

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-Narrator's PoV-

Next week is the semi-finals and finals on the same day, and Catherine was getting restless once she stumbled upon a tape of last years game and she was shocked that her underclassmen were defeated by a landslide. Now that she has seen the way Seiho plays she took note on the improvements.

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As we were making our way over to the stadium, it was too quiet for my liking. I get that they are nervous but it's just embarrassing. Not even Shinji was being weird or Shun and his puns.

"Hey, don't look all down in the dumps guys, how about this..." Riko started as she gained everyone's attention as she continued, "If you win this match, then I'll give each of you a kiss!" she sent a blow kiss our way as the boys began to sweatdrop.

"Is she for real?"

"What was that face?!"

A gloomy aura surrounded us as I heard Junpei shout at them, "YOU IDIOTS AT LEAST PRETEND LIKE THAT SOUNDS NICE!?" the gloomy cloud grew as she hid in the corner, I sighed as her whole personality did a summersault as she shouted at them "FINE HOW ABOUT IF YOU WIN YOU GET A KISS FROM KYASARIN-SAN!" now that is not what I wanted at all. I still have my pride and that won't be tarnished.

"Oh, well then! LETS GO SEIRIN FIGHT!!" the team shouted as I just scoffed and hit each one with a paper fan, "You idiots, as if I'd kiss any of you..." I muttered as we made our way to the court.

As we entered onto the courts the crowd erupted into cheers as I came into view, 'Now that is one way to bring back my ego.' I thought to myself as I waved to the crowd of my fans, "When were you so popular?" Taiga asked clearly shocked at the amount of fans I have. "Are you dumb, Bakagami?!" Riko asked as an Irk mark appeared on his neck, "What?! It's just a question..." He muttered as I chuckled making heads turn my way.

"Well if you really don't know then let me enlighten you, I am from a world known team from Australia, to be exact I was the ace and centre of the Sydney Swans." I said as Taiga went wide eyed before shouting, "YOUR THE ACE OF THE SWANS?!" I just nodded, though his shouting reached the other side of the court, catching the attention of Seiho, especially one of the 1st years.

"Woah, captain did you hear that?!" He exclaimed as his captain nodded, "Yes I did." his captain agreed as the buzzed 1st year made his way over to Taiga.

"Hey look isn't he the one good player in the team of weaklings. Your hair is so red like fire!" the buzzed boy said as Seirin looked pissed as he turned his attention towards me, "Are you the ace of the Sydney Swans? You're so pretty! Can I have your numb-!" He was rambling on before his upperclassmen came over and knocked his head with his fist.

"Sorry about that, he has an issue with being absentminded." His captain apologised as Hyuga walked over towards us as I just shook my head, "Don't worry about it, and maybe at the end of the match we could hang out hm?" I asked as the que tip's eyes widened with excitement as Hyuga looked at the Seiho captain, "No need to apologise, we'll win and call it a day. We won't allow you to look down on us like last year." His declaration made the captain scowl.

"We weren't looking down on you, you were just weak opponents." He replied bluntly before dragging the chrome dome by the collar, "And you said I was rude." he said sarcastically, "There is a difference with disrespect and sugar coating." He replied as both teams went to their respected benches as I looked over my notes as I listened to Riko, who was talking game plans.

- - -

Okay so we have an issue, the que tip was being a pain in the butt, not to mention that Kagami was on three fouls, like sir this is the second quarter. Now Riko was agitated, hurray but the defence was making Tetsuya's skills useless because of how well they guarded every option of passes.

"God this sucks, Tetsuya is going to run out of juice with this intensity, do we sub them out now?" I asked as she groaned with irritation before nodding her head, just as we sent Shinji and Satoshi in we were met with Taiga getting his 4th foul, "I would like to put in a sub." I asked as Taiga's eyes widened.

"WHAT I CAN STILL PLAY?!" He roared as I scoff and ignored him as I ignored his protests and called in a sub. "WHITE SUBSTITUTION!" the commentator said as we gestured to Tetsuya and Taiga.

"You two. Off..." 


And we are finished for the week!

See you next week<3

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