Chapter 27: The real Zira and the plan explaination

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Zira's POV

Crystal? What did she meant by "we won?"

" Uhhmmm ... Zira... " Crystal started waving her hand near her face as if Zira's daydreaming but actually she's just deep in thought.

Coming from reality, Zira gently slapped the hand away from her face.

" Tell me everything right now or I'll make sure I'll give you a beating"

Crystal looked to her comrades( which consist of her fans, Paul , Richard, Arch, Eric and Virgo)

"Will you give me a moment to talk to her?"

They simply nodded and headed downstairs while Zira and Crystal was left around in her room.

" I never thought you would get along with your fans"

" Oh yeah, I thought they were scary type of fans but they are kind of the supportive in the fan world and they are like my sisters and brothers"

" Never mind that.... explaination now"

" Well how about you explain of you saying yes to your father when he offered you a decision to marry a person you don't like"

" It's my way of respecting my father decision and I don't want him to let him down"

" Let him down? Are you seriously crazy right now? You're going to marry a person you don't like and that's completely not living and you're doing it just to not let him down? You're a total nutball"

" What do mean nutball you jerk? At least I respect my father"

" I don't care but what you're doing is making a hell out of everyone's head! That decision of yours will break someone's heart into pieces and something broken to pieces is not easy to fix "

Crystal sat to the bedroom and covered her face"

" I mean ... Do you think I was only thinking about you and your future? I was worrying Someone you love... And you're not remembering him when you said yes"

" I .... I needed it.... I wanted for my father to be proud of me and I need him to be happy"

" Then how about you? Will you be happy?"

" Yes I can ... I can learn to love him"

" But that's not happy Zira .... That's enduring... You're not Zira I know.... "

" I am not an imposter and I know it"

" That's right .... You think that's you... The person who accepts everything without considering anything is not you.... That person you are now is the ice queen "

" Why are you bringing that up?"

"The ice queen accepts every offer given by her father .... She accepts every offer without feeling anything , without considering herself and always put a mask and pretends to be strong but the Zira I know is the kind one, the happy one , and the person who has feelings and I want that Zira to wake up ... That friend I consider the most important friend of mine and I'm doing risky things just for her"

" Crystal.... I ...."

" The Zira I know gets hurt and cries and I know that because I'm her friend and I want you to wake up from that cold kingdom inside your heart and break that ice that covers it"

Tears started to stream down Zira's face and Crystal hugged her .

" A real friend does anything to stop a wrong decision of her precious friend and I am that real friend"

" Stupid....... Sob..... Sob...."

" You're finally back " a smile started to draw on the face Crystal while Zira cried out everything she can....

After a moment ....

"As a friend .... I suggest you to marry someone that can make you smile and not marry someone to make others smile... You should learn to fight when you know they're making you do something wrong in your mind and in your heart"

" I know that but wouldn't he be angry at me?"

" He's your father and you've been respecting his decisions but maybe this time , he can respect your decision, just trust him a little bit . He is a father so it must mean that he's reliable"

" Okay.... But can you explain why you said those hurtful things? And why did you send me to this place?"

" Ohhhhh that? Pfft... Do you know that actually a bet?"

" A bet?"

" Yeah whoever wins the bet gets to be chosen to decide your groom and I decide your groom is to be someone you know~~~~~"

" And in the veranda?"

" Did you know the guest?"

" The invited guest of my father?"

" Yes they were alllllllll hired by your father so they stop us if we tried to get you "

" ohh I get it"

" Do you know the reason why the place reeks alcohol even though you're smell-less"

" No?"

" All of us disguise as servers thing or should I say waitress/waiters and we serve extra alcoholic wine to those hired fighters and that's why it was easy and in result we won"

" But why did you send me to this place and why did you did the bet I mean .... I mean it takes so long"

" Believe me , your father is hard convince and he might even restrict us to see you for 2 month and by that time you might already get married and pregnant"

" Eewww.... Good thing you were there right?"

" Right and oh boy ... Do you know that it was hard to keep Arch and Richard silent because of they are stubborn I mean I did it all , the act , the helicopter fee and the fee for all those who helps me and I needed it to save your butt"

" Yeah but how about the veranda ? "

" Oh the act ... It was part of the plan I thought they might take you to the helicopter during the battle of the hired people and us and it all goes to the waste"

" How about the rats?? Thing ...."

" That was when the late comers came from that area"

" Late comers? Didn't you all came at the same time?"

" So the suspiciousness level must be down...."

" I don't get you"

" Whatever ...go already Zira"

" What do you...."

Richard opened the door, rushed to Zira and took her hand . While dragging her , they reach outside and on the way to the office of his father.

" Good luck to us convincing your father right ?"

" Yup Richard"

In the moment crystal's pov

Those two are trouble makers...... I can't handle too much trouble but good thing I'm a good friend.

In the middle of thoughts of mine someone knocked the door....

" Eric come in"

" Here's the info"

" Oh thanks"

Crystal looked and read the info folder containing info and stopped when she read that part....

" Oh geez .... That father of his is so stupid compare to her mother ... He is so unreliable!!!"

" I got a call that "that person" arrived already

" Good thing..... I needed serious back up"

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