Long day by your side 🏛️🌱

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It's kinda like those boss and employee manhuas/manhwas where the employee falls in love first and then the boss falls harder..I don't like modern day stories a whole lot so this will probably be the first and last story of modern setting(..maybe one more) also I think there may have been a moment that said that Kaveh did remember AlHaitham from when they were kids but he actually doesn't, if that moment does exist in this just glance over it and it'll be gone by the 26th👍

(authors note: honestly I feel like this chapter was dragged out a lot but the next two chapters already has a plot and I'll try to add more haikaveh moments in the next two also I added some Kaveh and AlHaitham photos at the end just for the fun of it) AND TRUST ME THE ENDING TO THIS ONE IS REALLY SWEET I WAS "aawwwhhh"ING WHEN I RE-READ IT

The first grammar check will be on the 26th for reasons that I explained at the end so apologies if some things don't make much sense






"Urrghh.." I groan into my pillow, tired from staying up all last night. My boss gave me his workload yesterday, saying that if I didn't do it, I would get fired. But let's be honest, the only reason why he hasn't fired me yet is because he knows that I'm too good at my job and the company would be at a loss because no one besides me actually does presentable work.

Why haven't I told the higher ups about his behavior? That's because he's not the only person that has given me their share of work. Tian and his cousin, Iqnis, are the others that use me for their own benefit. Whenever my division is having a celebration or party of some sort, they approach me together saying things like, "Hey! You aren't busy right? Well I need you to finish some of my work. Here you go!" With a smile plastered on their face. If I try to talk back and say that I'm actually occupied at the moment, they either mention how their parents have a lot of power in this company and can fire anyone at any time, or they interrupt me before I can tell them I can't. Then they walk away after they slap down their papers that now have became my responsibility.

Basically, they intentionally, indirectly threaten me. For as much as I'd like to stop working overtime while doing others work, this is one of the only jobs that pays some-what well and doesn't require a lot of talent. Nothing is better than this..

Ding ding [MESSAGE FROM nerds X4]
(When Cyno texts, just imagine him with a straight face 100% of the time)

Cyno- What do you call a cow with no legs??? 🐄 👎 🦵

Tighnari- Please stop with your jokes. I've had to wake up to them every single day for the past month..

Cyno- Ground beef. 😱😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Get it? Well the meat of a cow is called beef. Since the cow, made of beef, has no legs, that means that it's on the ground. So it's beef on the ground.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂

Tighnari- oh my archons...

Kaveh- that one actually kind of good tbh

Tighnari- hi Kaveh so heres some drama
Tighnari- i over heard that our division is getting a new boss because the last one was caught slapping an employee

Cyno- 🔥🫶🤪🔥🔥✊🙀
Cyno- okay but seriously, me and tighnari overheard your conversation between the boss and you yesterday
Cyno- since he's not in a position of power now, just say the words and i can take revenge🔥💪👊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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