Bouquet of Memories

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Vader x dead reader


Nobody dared to stop the Sith Lord as he marched through the halls of the Death Star. When he boarded his ship nobody paid any mind and let him leave. Now that the barely human man was alone however, he let his memories consume him.

He gripped the controls in his fist, as his mind swam with flashes of a beautiful woman. Flashes of an Angel; his Angel. He let his hands control the ship as his mind was elsewhere. He already knew the way, he had already taken this trip many times before.

Once he landed on the planet he saw the little abandoned cottage in where he could have lived out his life with his wife and child. But that dream is impossible now. He held in his tears as he eyed the elegant headstone that had been constructed in secret on his orders in her honor.

He trailed his fingers through the tall grass. He looked down when he spotted a familiar flower. The same flower he had constructed into a flower crown on their first date.

He plucked a few of the dainty flowers and held them gingerly in his grasp. He walked along some more and then spotted a new yet familiar flower. It's pink petals gave it away. It was the same flowers that he had brought to her when he proposed. He plucked a few of the pink flowers and held them.

He walked along some more and spotted a special flower. One that represented light and warmth [just like she did]. It was large, golden in color, and beautiful. This was the flower that she had held in her hands as they said their vows of love at their wedding.

It would be the perfect final touch.

Vader plucked two identical flowers and placed them together in the bouquet. One for him and one for her.

He ended his journey at the entrance of the abandoned cottage. His gloved hand grasped the doorknob and it opened with a creak.

Vader walked inside and along the floorboards till he made it to a special room. He looked in on the half-finished nursery that would have been for their child.

Oh What Could Have Been?

He walked inside and trailed his gloved hand on the empty bassinet that lay waiting for a baby that would never come.

Silent tears fell down the Sith Lords scarred face. He left the empty nursery and trudged along to a room down the hall. He grasped the doorknob and went inside.

The first thing he noticed was a large bed with pale green sheets. He trailed toward the bed and sat down, casting a cloud of dust into the air around him.

His mind ran rampant with what could have beens? He could almost picture his beautiful wife smiling at him from the adjacent bathroom as she changed into her nightgown. He could almost see her attempt to console a crying infant to sleep. If he really imagined, he could see himself kissing his wife goodnight and holding her in his arms, the way he once did. He could have had all of that and so much more.

His tears pricked at his eyes, he should have had that. But that was impossible now, no matter how in denial he was.

He soon walked out of the house making sure to securely latch the door behind him. He walked to the side of the house to the one place he had been dreading. He placed the bouquet he had constructed earlier on top of the headstone as he knelt to the ground.

He bowed his head and pulled his mask off and he saw the world once again with his own eyes. He knew he had limited time so he made the most of what he had.

He leaned his forehead against the rough stone and kissed the stone with his lips. Almost picturing that it wasn't a gravestone, but his love!

"I'm sorry, my love!"He said feeling the tears trail once more down his face. "I've failed my mother! I failed our child! I failed—you!"The voice that came out wasn't that of the Sith Lord. But it was the voice of the man he had once been, Anakin Skywalker.

Minutes passed before he placed his mask back upon his face and returned to being Darth Vader. As he walked away back to his ship, he now knew why he hated coming here. This place brought back memories of what he once had, and who he once was.

He never knew what he had until he no longer had it in his life. He never knew how lucky he was and how grateful he should have been. He should have been content and not gone done the path he did, because that's when he lost you. Now you were nothing more than a bouquet of memories laid upon a grave.

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