Romance in a bath

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~Joeys pov~

I've been at Tyler's house now for a few hours. I'm quite surprised he hasn't tried anything on me at all! Maybe he got over me? That would be great.

Tyler is a nice guy and admittedly cute, but he just isn't my type. I'm more into... Well... Shane. He's so unique I can't describe it. He's funny and dirty and sweet and lame. And he's the love of my life.

Once me and Tyler finished filming the video we continued to sit on his couch and talk. I had my legs cross crossed in front of me and Tyler had one leg under him. Both sitting positions were weird but oh well. It's comfy.

Joey: Yeah! And then he just proposed right there! Right before I was about to!

Tyler: Oh my gosh you guys are literally the cutes fucking thing ever ugh. Relationships goals honestly.

Joey: Aw Tyler. You'll find your perfect someone one day! Don't fret!

Tyler: Well I thought I did. I really like you Joey, you know that.

Joey: I... Yeah.. I know Tyler but... I just don't feel the same way. And I love Shane. And I'm marring him.

Tyler: If I hadn't of let you go backs him.... We could be the ones getting married.

Joey: No Tyler. Because we aren't meant to be. You got to stop thinking like this. You're only hurting yourself.

Tyler: But Joey..

Joey: No. You know me and Shane are meant to be. You know our past.

Tyler sighed and looked down. Was I too rude? Ugh I didn't want to upset him. But I don't know how to get it through his head? Speaking of head... Just as I opened my mouth to say that I had to leave, because I was feeling very uncomfortable at this point, Tyler pushes his lips into mine.

I didn't like it. It didn't feel right. These are not Shane's lips. And this is not the boy I want to marry. I did not kiss him back. But I took advantage of my more advanced strength and pushed him off me.

Joey: Tyler!!

Tyler: I'm... I'm sorry Joey I don't know what came over me! Please don't hate me I am so so sorry!

Joey: Ugh! Don't ever, and I mean never fucking ever, talk to me again! I can't believe you Tyler!

Tyler: Joey please... Please don't be mad.

Joey: Mad? Mad! Tyler I am furious! How dare you even attempt to kiss me!

Tyler's eyes watered up and I could tell he was maybe actually sorry. But I didn't fucking care. I just wanted to go home to the man I love. Shane. Not Tyler. Shane.

I grabbed my keys and just before I slammed the door closed, I heard him begin to sob. I felt bad for acting out so harshly and I was tempted to go back and apologize.

But Tyler is the one who needed to apologize. I mean... He did but. Whatever! I can't believe him. How dare he kiss me!

I got into my car and drove off. On my way home, all I though about was Tyler kissing me. My hands gripped the steering wheel as my blood started to boil with anger. I've never been this mad before.

Man fuck Tyler. I don't want him around me. I don't want him around Shane. I don't want him at our wedding. I don't want him to even exist at this point!

Finally I got home and I slammed my car door shut. As I walked into the house I slammed the front door shut as well. Shane looked up from his phone as he sat on the couch. He stood up and walked over in my direction.

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