Rules are meant to be broken or?

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V Verse asks you to be as free as possible when writing your fictional work. But there are a few don'ts and don'ts we expect you to follow as law abiding Jammwalions.


You are entitled to your opinion and are free to express the same through comments.


Refrain from hateful language to communities or individuals since we all are here for a long time and a fun time.

How short was that? See!

(Please note that this will be an inclusive community appreciating work featuring LGBTQ+, POC, Minority representation and will not tolerate any hate towards these themes in our stories)

Moving further, we encourage you to interact with stories by voting, commenting and sharing them so the creators are rewarded for their hard work. (P.S. Bringing you those beautiful fragmentation of imagination does take a little energy.)

Now that you know what we do, let's move on to what you can do to be a part of the V Verse community and share your work with us!

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