16. languages you learn together

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- Spanish

- I AM NOT doing this because spanish is my first language. Totally not. Why would I choose my mother tongue for this?... Why?

- Sadie got a role in a movie along with a spanish speaker (daddy Pascal?), and she fell in love with the language. I quote her: "it's a delicious language"

- learning with Shakira's songs (and to move those hips 💃🏻)

- you got addictive to watch Betty La Fea, the Colombian version ofc

- during your vacations you decided to go on a trip to South America, falling in love with every country and perfecting your speaking

- "Mi niña bonita, mi dulce princesa, me siento en las nubes cuando tú me besas" she recited to you
  "Aweee... But I know that's a song, you didn't write that, babe"
  "Damn it" 


- Russian

- literally you had Russians as enemies, so why not?

- Robin became your professor, and it wasn't easy since you three would do anything but study

- the party get frustrated whenever you speak russian to each other, to flirt, to plan dates or just to tease them

- "Хорошо, что у меня есть читательский билет, потому что я тебя полностью проверяю" you said
  "Боже мой, какой ты вульгарный"

  Dustin: "What did they say?"
  Mike: "I don't know, I think they're arguing" *you start kissing* "Never mind, they're just trying to hook up"

- learning russian helped a lot tho, you two could intervene in a radio transmission and discover the plans of the enemy

- more badasses than ever


- Italian

- it was after Ziggy found a job in an Italian restaurant, catching the accent and after learning some words she decided to learn it with you

- her boss was an angel and offered himself and his family to help you

- more than learning the language, you learned the culture

- sometimes doing the hands like 🤌

- drinking wine and eating cheese cubes became something regular in your home

- you're both fans of rock n' roll, but surprisingly you ended up liking the Italian opera

- "Ok... 'Fanculo'?" She tested you
   "It means 'fuck', and I know that cause it's the first word you learned"
   "Bravo!... Now, 'bacio'"
   "And that's the second one"
   "No, I'm actually asking for a kiss"

- you thought Ziggy was even hotter when speaking italian, and she is 🥵


- Japanese

- it was after watching the movie "Perfect Blue" when you got a little into the Japanese world

- huge fans of Junji Ito manga series and Studio Ghibli movies

- "朝ごはんできてるよ!" she shouted
   "I love you both but while you're in my house, you'll speak english, thank you" said Nick

- once Tessie surprised you with a pair of katanas

- "Tess, these are dangerous, where did you get them?!"
   "I know someone"
   "It was Jimmy, wasn't him?"

- you ended up liking them and using yours as decoration in your room

- you both got excited when you realized you were able to watch Japanese movies and shows without subtitles


- French

- after a heated argument you manage to take her to couples therapy (Ellie was amazed at your manipulation), and the therapist suggested doing more activities together

- so as the bookworms and moviegoers you are, you decided to go for french, it was elegant (Ellie said) and romantic (you said)

- reading poetry at sunset

- "Hey, I want you to hear this..." She leans on the armchair and started reading. "Tu étais toi, et j'etais moi. Nous étions deux avant cette fois—"
   "J'etais le tien avant que j'ai su. Et tu étais la mienne maintenant et toujours" you finished looking at her eyes. Ellie swore that she fell in love with you even more

- playing the Ratatouille playlist while cooking

- Ellie enjoyed offending others, but she found out she also enjoyed when she offended them in french leaving the them confused

- you two came up with tongue-twisters to make fun of each other, deep down adoring hearing one another laughing

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