19. sleeping in the same bed

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- Facing each other

- sometimes holding, sometimes just separate

- but this actually happens because you will end up your day telling each other how your day was until you fall asleep

- but what if you fight? Well when you moved in together you came up with the gold rule of not going to bed before solving the issues

- bitch one day you didn't go to bed til it was 7 in the morning


- you are the big spoon

- Max can be the rudest girl of Hawkins (along with the girls in the party), but girl loves to be held by you 🤭

- when she started to have nightmares (and if you are with her at the moment), you'd wake up immediately and hug her until she calms down

- not only the big spoon giving you her back, but also front to front, with your chin on the top of her head


- ever since the massacre you two are alarmed, that made you be on guard all the time

- always ready to attack or flee, hence when you go to sleep you do it back to back in case someone is coming for you. You'd have a knife and a gun on your nightstands on each side

- unfortunately you won't rest well for the next years (or at least until Deena contacted you to ended all for once)

- sometimes one of you would be awake while the other is sleeping

- you might be sitting next to a sleeping Ziggy, she'd be hugging your legs. Or she'd have the bed for herself while you're (pacing) around the room, and vice versa

- this happens even when it's not the year of the Curse of the Witch, that's what the trauma has done with you, sorry):

- but once the Curse was over once and for all (is it tho?), days later you finally got to sleep deeply


- omg you guys are a mess

- you might start sleeping in each other's arms but an hour later you're giving her your back and she's with her leg around your hip

- or she's sleeping on her belly and you're sleeping with your feet in her back

- once Nick caught you almost falling as Tess was a starship 

- funnily none of you ever feels the other moving, or kicking, or slapping accidentally


- she plays her Doberman role very well cause even when you both are sleeping she's taking care of you

- she is the big spoon and if you try to switch she'd feel weird and won't like it

- it doesn't have to be a spoon all the time, not specially since we're talking about Ellie who sometimes needs her space

- but if you're not spooning, then Ellie will let you use her arm as a pillow, or will let you hug her

- now if she doesn't feel like being touchy nor cheesy, that's fine, you'll be on your side and she on hers

- for some reason she rather having you sleeping next to the wall instead of the edge of the bed, maybe because she thinks she protects you more

Published: September 13, 2023

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