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But then Jungkook just turned and left, without checking if someone had actually crossed his property or not.

Either he was being careless because he wanted someone to fight or he was being smug about finding out he was being watched.

Taehyung didn't know which scared him more.

But the moment he saw Jungkook head back inside and over the splintered glass he'd shattered when he threw the chair into the pool — he grabbed all his things as quickly as he could.

And for once, Taehyung didn't stay the night to find out what else happened. He was too shaken up by having been caught, the risk had been too much and now he still couldn't breathe right even after having fled Jungkook's property untouched and now sitting inside his car.

Taehyung lowered his hood, took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair and down his face as the other remained clenching the steering wheel, hard.

"Damn it!" Taehyung snapped at himself out loud.

His hand at the wheel lifted and then slammed down onto it as he took out his careless rage and hit it against the wheel as hard as he could.

Taehyung's fingers throbbed afterwards, his breathing was choppy and forced as he groaned out loud and used both hands to tug at the roots of his hair.

"I could've been fucking caught. I could've gotten caught.... he would've seen me," Taehyung whispered softly, realization setting in, cold as ice. "He would've seen me, he would've been scared..... he couldn't be with me if he was scared..."

The thought of Jungkook rejecting him, of looking at Taehyung with anything less than the desire he saw back in Lure, or for that small smile of his to form into a disgusted scowl sent a shiver up his spine so strongly, he trembled in his seat and suppressed a scream.

Jungkook couldn't find out, not yet at least. He wouldn't understand.

No, Taehyung had to be more careful, switch watching spots, come at different times, different days so he wouldn't pick up on someone being in his house again.

Taehyung didn't know how long he sat there, but when he checked his watch, he saw it was coming up to one a.m.

And at the same time, headlights flashed in his rear view mirror and then turned off.

His body stilled and he narrowed his eyes onto the mirror as the car behind him turned off and a few seconds later, not one, but four girls came out, all laughing to themselves as they neared the gates to Jungkook's house, unaware that Taehyung was there watching them do it.

Taehyung's hands at the wheel tensed and he screamed internally as they got let inside, no doubt for another round of God, Jungkook, please!

While he went to his lonely, empty apartment with only his thoughts to keep him company since he'd told Jimin he needed to be alone to catch up on some work.

Taehyung could always call him and even though it's late at night, he knew Jimin would still show up to please him, but what would that accomplish — other than another unsatisfied night of vanilla sex that led him replacing him with another man?

Fuck that, Taehyung wouldn't get to that level tonight, no matter how much he loathed going home to emptiness.

So as soon as the whores went in, Taehyung went out and for the first time in two years, he didn't stay for the show up close.

Instead he went to his safe haven, his warehoused storage unit where nobody could bother him, judge him or even better, fucking ignore him.

Once inside, Taehyung started slamming things — like his phone, his camera bag, his router, his hoodie and his hat.

All of it went tossed somewhere across the room as he stomped his way towards the wall and hit the lights and watched them flicker across the photos.

The shadows of the darkness where the light hadn't yet turned on casted a darkened haze across Jungkook's face in various photos. The lights came to their brightest setting, the room now fully lit and visible to what it really was.

Some people would seem it as a shrine, a temple for the insanely obsessed, but Taehyung called it his home away from home....his collection...

Seeing Jungkook's face in photos calmed somewhat of the rage burning inside Taehyung just slightly, enough for him to breathe properly.

Moving from the wall at a slow place, he stopped at his desk, grabbed a black sharpie and then headed to the center wall where all of the photos overlapped each other.

A calculated hum left his lips as he trailed the tip of the sharpie across Jungkook's lips, tracing the curve of his mouth and stopping at the hollow of his throat.

Two days had passed since Lure and still no sign of him, nothing. Taehyung had even taken to leaving his house earlier and avoiding the running stint so Jungkook would miss him more and call, but still...

He didn't fucking call.

Because Jungkook was too busy with his boys, with his whores, with his life to focus on Taehyung.In his eyes he was nothing when he was everything in the other's and that..... just.... upset him...

And Taehyung wasn't good company when he was upset.

Uncapping the lid off the marker, he tossed it aside and pressed the felt tip against the center of Jungkook's forehead in the photo and started to draw.

A simple curved line that continued circling all around Jungkook's face until both ends joined and then....

"You'll want me," Taehyung whispered to his photo as a light, barely there chuckle left his lips.

"I'll make you want me if it's the..."

He dragged the marker sharply across Jungkook's face, blackening out his eye and his nose and the side of his jaw.


Taehyung drew another shape line across the other side of Jungkook's face, this time laughing harder as his features started to disappear under the ink.

"Thing I'll ever do..."

───✱.。:。✱.:。✧.。✰.:。✧.。:。.。✱ ───

istg i'm scared of my brain, dunno how i'm writing all this weird stuff when i'm literally the babiest baby out there 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

here, take all my love 💜

please support your author 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yourstrulynelly/w/1003


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