~ 3. I-Sak?? ~

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A friend once lost.

Jung-Su's POV

"Are you guys okay?" He pants as we just stare in silence. We eventually all nod as he sighs in relief.

"What about you? You weren't bitten?" Gyeong-Su asks.

"No, of course not. I'm alright. Hey guys, let's block the door first." He demands. We hesitate. "Get moving, hurry. I'm fine. Let's move this!" he yells as everyone scatters around the classroom, grabbing desks and chairs. "Stack it high!" He shouts. Suddenly, I-Sak pulls me and On-Jo to one side.

"On-Jo, Jung-Su, look." She whisper shouts to us.

"What?" We had no clue what she was talking about.

"There. His arm." She points. It's now clear to us that he has a bite mark on his arm.

"Coach Kang, your arm." On-Jo speaks.

"What are you doing? Come help!" He yells at her.

"You have a bite mark on your arm!" She shouts, which makes everyone stop what they're doing and turn their attention towards the commotion.

"I wasn't bitten." He looks down at his arm.

"But he said he wasn't." Gyeong-Su says.

"No, no, I- I wasn't bitten." He stutters as it becomes more clear that he's acting a bit suspicious.

"Well, it's obvious he was because he has a literal bite mark on his arm!" I yell.

"I said it isn't, and don't talk back to me. Okay?" He yells back, and I just scoff.

"It looks like you were really bit." I-Sak quivers.

"I wasn't! How many times must I tell you?" He shouts.

"Stop hiding it and show us!" I-Sak takes a step forward. "I think you should leave right now." She demands.

"You want me to go out there?" He points to the door. "After all I did to get here, you want me to go back out there?" He questions while yelling at us.

"You were bitten, so get out." I-Sak hurries. "I said get out!" She screams.

"You heard her, get out!" I back my best friend up.

"Cocksuckers!" He screams back at us. "Get over here! Come here!" He demands it, but we just stay put. He then starts charging at us, but luckily all the boys run to defend us.

"Look!" Dae-Su shouts, pointing out that Coach Kang's nose is starting to bleed. Out of nowhere, On-Jo hits him over the head with a backpack. After being hit, he slowly turns around, and Cheong-San grabs On-Jo's arm, pulling her away, while I run over to Su-Hyeok.

"You fucking bitch." Coach Kang snaps at On-Jo.

"Watch it!" Cheong-San screams back. Coach Kang then suddenly drops to the floor and starts twitching. His bones began crunching as we all crowded around, leaving a wide distance.

"Get him out of here!" Na-Yeon begs. He managed to get back up and starts charging at one of the other girls, whose name I don't remember, and starts biting her face. Dae-Su then forces him off the poor girl, but it is too late; she has already been bitten by the zombie version of Coach Kang.

"Dae-Su, I can't... I don't want to die," she sobbed. On the other hand, Coach starts charging towards the rest of us. We all scatter as Su-Hyeok punches him right in the face. Cheong-San quickly grabs a desk and pins Coach Kang up against a wall using it. Gyeong-Su runs over to help, and as I was about to run over there too, Su-Hyeok puts his arm out in front of me. I look up at him, confused, as he just shakes his head as a sign not to.

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