~ 5. back together ~

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Oh my gosh, it's you again!

Jung-Su's POV

"Jung-Su!" I hear someone yell my name from above. I look up and see Su-Hyeok.

"Su-Hyeok!" I yell happily. I'm so glad that he's alive.

"Hey, watch out, there's a zombie!" He points out the obvious.

"I know, I know." I sigh, looking down at the zombie still squirming around.

"You idiot," he chuckles, "I'm coming down. Hold on." He shouts down to me.

"No, don't; stay there. You're going to fall!" I shout.

"Hey, Bare-Su, look up!" I yell at him as I see a zombie half hanging out of the window, dangling above him.

He suddenly leaps onto the hose, right above me. He starts to climb down to the point where he's hugging me from behind. As he grabs onto my waist and kicks the zombie off of me.

"Look! It's Bare-Su and Jung-Su!" I hear the others screaming from below.

"Shit. Why couldn't you just kick her?" He whispers in my ear as he places his arms fully around me, which I have to admit is really hot. "Are you hugging me?" I ask, completely ignoring his question, and I feel blood rush to my cheeks.

"You like it?" He smirks as I feel my whole face turn red. We both make it safely into the broadcasting room, and as I enter, Gyeong-Su comes running up to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I thought you died." I rub his back to calm him down.

"Well, unfortunately for you, I'm still here." I smile at him.

"Would you just close it already?" I hear Na-Yeon whining as Gyeong-Su and I release our hug.

"Does she ever shut the fuck up?" I whisper to Gyeong-Su, who starts laughing quietly, but his laughter soon turned to anger as he realised what she had said.

"What's wrong with you? Jung-Su was still out there!" He shouts at the girl. "We couldn't just lock him out there."

"Is it a crime to want the window closed?" She pleaded. I walked over to Su-Hyeok and started linking arms with him as a way of comfort because I couldn't really handle more fighting.

"How can you be so selfish?" Gyeong-Su snaps.

"I can't stand you, stupid welfie!" She hisses. Gyeong-Su suddenly hits Na-Yeon as she stumbles backwards, but I don't blame him; she basically just called me a welfie too.

"You just hit me!" She dramatically holds her arm.

"Yeah. Call me and Jung-Su that again?" He threatens.

"I called you that, not your stupid brother." I throw my head back. Why did I have to be insulted?

"Well, you called me that, and that means that my family is too, and guess what? Jung-Su is part of my family. Bitch." Gyeong-Su defends, and I'm quite proud, to be honest.

"Hey, knock it off. What's going on here, guys?" Ms. Park perks up.

"He hit me!" She tries to act like the victim. How pathetic.

"Only because you called me and Jung-Su welfies." Gyeong-Su fights back.

"Is it not true?" Na-Yeon tries to act all big, but really, everyone hates her.

"You just can't say shit like that." Cheong-San helps to defend us.

"What's a welfie?" Ms. Park asks. "Tell me. What is it?"

"A person on welfare" Su-Hyeok breaks the silence.


"It means a person on welfare." He repeats. "Welfie for short." Ms. Park just sighs.

"Na-Yeon, that was wrong; don't ever say that again, and Gyeong-Su, when you hit people, you're the one who ends up losing. Do you understand?" Ms. Park tries to be reasonable.

"No, I don't," he sighs.

"Listedn, we can't be fighting each other in a moment like this. We don't know what's going on with those-"

"Are they zombies?" Su-Hyeok interrupts.

"What about the other teachers?" Ji-Min speaks forward. "Has anyone called the cops?"

"Don't worry; I'm sure someone already has. I just don't have my phone on me right now." Ms. Park reasons

"We already tried calling them, but we don't think they listened to us; no one is." I speak up.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon. We just have to wait a little longer."

"But wait, that might still work. Internet. The internet." Joon-Hyeong hops over to the desk on one leg. Everyone starts to crowd around to look, apart from me, Su-Hyeok, and Gyeong-Su. Gyeong-Su goes over to the window while I and Su-Hyeok lean against the cabinets.

"Hey," I whisper to Su-Hyeok.


"Where did you go after we were separated?" I ask as the others mess around with the computer.

"Just the art room." I just nodded as we intertwined hands and joined the others.

Until the window shatters...


Together ~ Su-Hyeok X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now