"Who are you?"

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"Ah, you must be the girl Sarah told me about,"

"Allow me to introduce myself I am Doctor Fate, Lord of Order"

'Why, why did you leave' was the only thought going through Jade's mind at the moment as she stared at the empty house hands filled with bags of food. The only thing in the empty house stood a man with a golden helmet and robe with a blue suit with some gold to match with. The man then spoke up.

*A few hours earlier*

It was just another daily morning for Jade since she came here. She got up, to awaken to Sarah cooking a wonderful breakfast, then to have Sarah chatter all day to Jade nonstop. While every so then had her input into the mostly one-sided conversation. Today was the same Jade woke to Sarah cooking breakfast however this time Sarah seemed much more quiet than usual and Sarah was never quiet. Jade asked if something was wrong.

"Your quiet, it's unlike you," Jade's remark towards the womans silence cause Sarah to chuckle at her.

"Oh you know just feeling a bit down, morning sickness I guess," Sarah then gave Jade a light smile as if to wash any worry from the girl. And it worked Jade did not worry about it anymore trusting the woman.

"Speaking about feeling a bit down is something on your mind you seem a bit out of it,." Jade questioned herself. 'Did she seem different than usual?' 'Ah that's right last night's thoughts...hmm must still be bothering me.' Out of curiosity, Jade asked Sarah a question, "What's it like to have a mother, much less be one." Jade was hoping that having Sarah answer this question it answers last night's thoughts.

"A mother you say....hmm, well having a mother is or can be a wonderful thing, mother's shower their you in love and care for them." "But they also scold you when you do something bad or dangerous." Jade could only tilt her head in curiosity. Before saying something that had greatly shocked Sarah.

"Then does that make you my mother?," Jade who never experienced having a mother seemed to believe that all of Sarah's actions were very similar to what she had just described to Jade. So logically doesn't that mean Sarah had become her mother?

All of a sudden Jade heard laughter. Not a rude one, but one of joy. Seeing Sarah laugh made Jade feel happy as well as the smallest of smiles seemed to have appeared on her face. Sarah's laughter eventually died down, until she answer Jade's question.

"Well I would be honored to be your mother," Sarah let out a bright smile directed toward Jade. When Sarah said that Jade's heart warmed.

"So I guess that makes you my adorable little kid." A slight twitch appeared on Jade's face at the comment 'little,' but she ignored it when Sarah spoke up again. "Since that make's me your mother and you are my kid then," Sarah's smile seem to grow even when saying," that means you go run some errands for me or your case do some chores." Jade just blinked at Sarah before slowly nodding her head in understanding. 'That makes sense, I guess.'

"You, my, child just so happen to be in luck I forgot to grab a few things from the store yesterday and need you my adorable child to go and grab them." Jade once again nodded, she then got up heading back to her room to quickly change into more appropriate clothing for going out, just as she did yesterday, put on her wig, and grabbed her weapons. Jade exited her room with a determined expression to be able to complete her first mother-given task. When Sarah saw her she just let out a chuckle at Jade's actions. "Well, it seems your ready to go," letting out another chuckle.

"Here's the list and some money." Sarah handed Jade the money and list before waving the girl goodbye. Jade headed for the door but not before noticing a strange look on Saraha's face. Jade simply waved it off, taking it as just another strange behavior of Sarah.

Little did Jade know that she would come to regret waving it off.

Sarah closed the door having finished saying goodbye to Jade. Although this Sarah seemed a bit off. Sarah, the one who was always smiling, wasn't smiling. Instead, it was replaced with a dark expression. Sarah had been dreading this day as she didn't wish to say goodbye she, greatly enjoyed the girl's company while she was here. However, it was time to say goodbye. Today was the last day she would ever see Jade. Sarah wanted to cry at the thought of Jade coming home to find an empty house. While Jade had looked like an emotionless person, Sarah knew otherwise that deep down Jade had a heart of gold. It was just buried underneath all that darkness inside of her.

"Be safe my child," Sarah whispered, with one last glance at the door that Jade just left through, Sarah had begun her preparations for what was coming.


Right now Jade was very determined to complete the job Sarah had given to her. It was almost funny how determined she was to actually do it. Jade made quick work of getting what was on the list. It wasn't long before Jade finished and started to head home. On the way home though Jade a feeling had arisen in her. That feeling was telling her something was wrong. And if Jade knew anything in life it was when to trust her feeling especially when the give such an anonymous feeling. Jade quickly headed home completely forgetting about all the groceries.

A few minutes later and Jade arrived at the house. By the time she got there, the feeling had only grown more. Worry had arisen in Jade, worry for Sarah. Jade barged into the house not even bothering to close the door behind her. Jade called for Sarah's fear building up in her fearing that Sarah was in the type of danger.

Looking around the house Jade saw no sign of Sarah. Jade then began to look for any possible break-in or fight happening. But there was no sign of such a thing, it was as if it was abandoned. There was no warm feeling left in the house, nothing but desolation. All of a sudden Jade heard a noise coming from one of the rooms. Following where the source of where the noise had come from Jade made her way over. Hope arising in her, but like before nothing was there. The hope that she felt quickly vanished just as it appeared.

Looking around the room Jade found a desk and on that desk was a picture. Jade approached the desk and picked up the picture. Jade's eyes had widen in the realization of what it was. It was when Sarah had tried to teach Jade to cook for the very first time. Jade gave a small smile at the memory, the first time she had tried to cook, Jade had ended up butchering the meat. Eventually, she got the hang of it and become quite good at cooking.

Jade snapped out of her thoughts the moment she felt another presence enter the room. This one presence did not feel like Sarah, a bubbly, happy one. Jade quickly pulled out her retractable sword clicked the switch and swung around to face the intruder. When Jade had turned around she was met with a person in strange clothing. The stranger wore a gold helmet along with a gold cape, the person also wore a dark blue suit with what looked to be some golden colored belt. The stranger also appeared to be male. Jade made quick haste, lunging for the mysterious person. The said person simply dodged the assault, before turning to the girl. Jade narrowed her eyes at the person, and then asked, "Who are you?"


Finally getting to meet Doctor Faith.

Young justice is just around the corner.

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