A Team

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A ringing was all Amber could hear in her head. Amber let out a series of low groans of pain. Slowly her eyelids began to flutter open. After grasping to become fully awake and focus her vision Amber was able to get a good look at where she was or more specifically what she was in.

Amber found herself to be in some tub just like the one they found Superboy in. Amber then snapped her head recalling the previous events.

'Superboy,' Amber then looked around for any signs of him to find him standing in the middle of the room staring somewhere at the wall. Amber turned her gaze to find what he was looking at and saw it was her the boy. Just like her, they were hooked up to the tube.

Groaning was heard from the boys as they woke up. When all three boys had woken up they looked around to see the situation when Kid decided to blabber his mouth.

"What? What do you want?" Superboy only stared at him.

"Quit staring. You're creeping me out."

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?"

Amber agreed with Robin that, it was best to let the boy remain seemingly calm as they are all being restrained at the moment.

"We only sought to help you," Amber wasn't really sure if help was the right word as she was perfectly fine with letting him stay where he was. She simply tagged along really. And being here in this lab-made Amber feel very uncomfortable. Being here brought one too many memories of her time in Hydra and the other place. Not to mention just looking at or being in Superboy's presence gave her a sense of familiarity with what she used to be. Someone she wished to forget.

"Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us," Amber shot a glare at KF. It was a silent message to be quiet.

"Kid, please be quiet now," Kid went quiet after that also feeling a certain someone glare begin directed at them.

"I believe our friend was not in full control of his actions."

While Aqualad tried to converse with Superboy Amber decided it was time to get rid of these restraints, it also seemed like Robin had the same idea.

"Wha- what if I...What if I wasn't?"

"He can talk?" This made Amber forget about her cuffs for a few seconds to send a harsh glare toward KF just as the other two did.

"Yes, he can."

"Not like I said 'it',"

"The Genomorphs taught you telepathically." Aqualad went back to resume his conversation with Superboy.

"They taught me much. I can read, write. I-I know the names of things."

"But have you seen them? Have they actually let you see the sky? Or the Sun?"

"Images are implanted in my mind. But no I have not seen them." Amber felt sympathy for Superboy as she could very much so relate. She had spent much of her time locked up learning from those who were sent to teach her. From reading, and writing, to fighting. She even learned the art of seduction. Amber would spend her time training or learning. If she wasn't doing one of the two she would be on missions. More memories were flooding her mind and they were not pleasant.

'I need to get out of here,' Amber was not a fan of taking trips down memory lane and frankly this place was not helping one bit.

Amber then asked Superboy a question, one she often asked herself.

"Who are you?" Superboy's attention was then set on the mysterious girl who spoke out.

"I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish...to destroy him should he turn from the light."

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