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partially responsible for this :   IRegretThis1888     

Sussy rizzy (Y/N) had perfected her light skin stare once it was footloose opening night
a sudden projection of her face onto the screen revealed the rizziest thing ever: (y/n) providing rizz to the audience that was so rizzed and yizzed ((y/n)rizzed) that they decided to JUMP IN THE PIT

the flute however, touched by (y/n's) lips, was JEALOUS by all the people that were rizzed by the rizzard of oz. The flute flew into the air, flying in circles defending the girl it rizzed most

it knocked out all the people in the audience, making them drop like flies. the flute laughed and laughed as it knew it had the rizzard of oz all to itself. MWAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/n) was rizzed by the flutes actions: why did it have to be so wattpad bad boy and defensive??(? like wow omg

then they lived happily after ever, knowing everything even their quickly planned wedding was being broadcasted on footloose tv

the end then the flute and (y/n) had a child named Carlos the third. where are one and two you may ask??? well... we don't talk about them, and we also don't talk about bruno (rizzno) the flute's name. Carlos the first and Carlos the second definitely didn't get locked up in a basement of Barney the dinosaur. 💀

but anyway that's not important. (Y/n) regrets sometimes getting looped into all this bruno the floot drama but you know, she's happy with her new life so it's chillin (y/n) also sometimes regrets getting impregnated by a flute.

now what the floot is going on here???? Pun-intended ahahahahha

One day the floot woke up and sat up in bed. The clock read 8:88 apm time works different when flutes can move. It wanted to be played soooooo badly by (y/n) Her lips on the mouthpiece 👌🥺 made the flute feel so happy.
you may be saying yikes but the flute just loves being played by players—weird but it was just a wattpad protagonist like that. 😭

By this time, (y/n) was embarrassed about how everyone knew her secret relationship with the flute. How sad for her to tell everyone at the footloose studios. The whole world knew and there was nothing she could do about it. Maybe she should change her identity or move to the Amazon. She would run away with her child Carlos who was half human half flute. And everyone would forget about her.

(Y/n) was going to the store to pick up groceries when she saw a jar of peanut butter. She LOVEEEEDDD peanut butter. She went to grab the jar but hesitated... the floot was allergic. How did she find this out? You may ask? One day she's was playing the flute and and felt hungry. She went to use a knife for her peanut butter sandwich. THERE WASNT ONE! 🫣 so she used her floot instead. The flute started to swell and couldn't breathe. HOW TRAGIC!!! (Y/n) performed CPR on the floot but nothing was working! She tried an epi pen but she couldn't stab it into the flute since it was metal. There was only one option... she proceeded to lick the peanut butter out of the crevices of the flute. The floot took a giant breath and said airily, "Thank you (y/n), my love" it looked up at her with shiny keys and screws in awe.

(Y/n) blushed and kicked the floot across the floor. AHHHH stoppppp you're wierd why am I even talking to a floot????

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