mk gets #destroyed 🤪😈

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Partially responsible for this: IRegretThis1888

After The Dog got defeated, y/n's friend was still stuck!!!! The cage was glued shut! Oh nooooo how is she gonna get out???? Y/n called a superhero in distress,


No one came so y/n gave up. So sad

BUT THEN... the legendary hero, keyboard 2 appeared to SAVE THE DAY SLAYAYAYYAYA QUEEN YASSSSS!!!! ❤️😍

Her hero name, Magic Key, went and brought a giant piano to help y/n's friend escape. Magic Key dropped the piano on top of the cage to smash the door open. BUT GUESS WHAT!!! MK missed! She dropped the piano on y/n's friend instead! AND SHE DIED NOOOOO 😭😭😭

Poor girl.. to die from getting smashed by a piano 😏 How tragic. MK got scared because she just killed someone and even though it was an accident she didn't want to go to jail because of unintentional manslaughter. So they MK flew away on her magic piano stick. She was never seen again.

Y/n was devastated... her awesome bestie slayyy friend was now dead. BOO HAWWWWW 😭

Y/n cried and cried and the rizzy floot patted her shoulder in a way to try and comfort her. It didn't work. Y/n held her friend in her arms and then she knew what she had to do. Get. Revenge. Y/n knew she had to find the piano girl and give her what she rightfully deserves. (Epic boss fight foreshadowing)

even though MK tried to help, y/n couldn't let it just be like this. at least she still had her rizzy dizzy floot, because if she didn't she might die of PAIN AND LACK OF RIZZ (lizz). how could this happen?? Y/n's friend (let's call her baka) was smashed in the worst way possible.

Y/n picked up bakas body and brought it to a graveyard where she dug a hole with her flute and laid the body inside. she wept on it and almost killed herself in a dogeo and flootiet moment but DIDNT because she had to stay alive for her floot "friend" (boyfriend/husband/baby daddy 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏)

her and her flute passionately made out because she was so sad before she put all of the dirt back in the hole, covering up bakas body forever. she placed a grave stone that was in the shape of a floot on top of the freshly upheaved pile of dirt and left, still sad but less sad now.

it was time to get revenge on MK.

AFTER INTERNET STALKING FOR 100003992837373782919199485847372 HOURS, y/n found out where mk lived as well as her social security number, bank account information, license plate, EVERYTHING. so she went to the address after purchasing lots of yachts and flutes on the internet using mk's bank information and was ready tO FIGHT.

Y/n snuck into MK's hidden hero lair and was ready to ambush. She snuck around trying to figure out where MK was. During her hours of internet stalking MK, y/n knew the whole blueprint of MKs lair. She went to MKs bedroom and saw her there sleeping peacefully. Y/n put her poisonous lipstick on and gave MK a biiiig smoochie on the lips. The poison would slowly weaken and kill MK. This would rightfully avenge Bakas death. BUT....

MK WOKE UP!!!!! she was suuuuper angy that Audrey tried to poison her so she whistled in the air and called her vampire cyborg army. They smashed though the walls. Y/n got scared because the smashed walls gave her flashbacks to when her friend got smashed by the cage. The rizzy floot was there, and it was prepared to fight. Y/n and her beloved fought together just like Peeta and Katniss from the H*nger Games. (No copyright plssss)


MK tried to escape while y/n was busy fighting, but y/n rizzed MK with her Giga chad sigma light skin stare and MK fainted in rizzy sussy amazement. MK was then bing bonged by the flute and was sent to the never ending hole of darkness. THE END (Jk there's a part 6)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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