okay back to the real story

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credit for this chapter goes to      IRegretThis1888       

Long ago in a land before time there was a flute. It was old fashioned and wooden.

The rizzed flute that we know today is the ancestor of the wooden flute. Over many years of purebred flutes, (y/N) had to inerfer and ruin EVERYTHING.

She just had to marry a flute. How rude of her to ruin 3948484 generations worth of work to get the perfect flute.

Now the perfection of flutes was ruined because of a half flute half person. All because of a little kid who gave in to the curiosity of playing the flute.

The original flute was named Sensei Fooltey (pronounced Flooty) it was magnificent and gilded and had Dwayne Johnson's autograph on it. It was encrusted with jewels and ivory from the Woolly mammoths 🦣 from 28838484 BC. Legend said that it was controlled by an ancient being also named (y/n), but the ancient being lost the floot and was forever cursed. Nowadays, this floot legend was forgotten, but anyone who plays a floot with the name (y/n) will forever have bad experiences. This is why (y/n) got married to a flute and carried its children. Carlos the first, second, and third. This is also why Carlos the first and second got locked in Barney the dinosaurs basement- I mean nothing.... Carlos the first had flutes for arms and was very sickly. His skin was silver and very stiff. Carlos the second was a flute with human legs and lower body. He needed diapers because his human lower body could not control his bowels and if he didn't wear a diaper he would cover the world with poop. 💩 that's why they were locked in Barney's- wait actually I don't even know who Barney is.

3000 years after Sensei Fooltey was lost, a girl named (y/n) found it. It was the year 1779 and (y/n) was traveling the sea. One day on her boat made of bananas, she saw something in the water that Glowed. She fished out to grab it and it was Sensei Fooltey. It was old and cracked and dying (y/n) nursed the floot back to health and they became best friends.

When (y/n) got off her boat and on to land, she was in a desert. But the desert was TOOOOOO hot and the ancient floot burned into ashes. As the floot took its last breath, it told (y/n) to take blueprints of the floot and make more and new floots to continue the generation of floots. Audrey cried as her new friend died so suddenly but did as the floot said.

That is why only people named (y/n) Have bad things with floots.

There was a chicken with the boat who was related to the chicken from Moana who was dumb. So that chicken was also dumb. It was so dumb that it ate the desd floots remains.

The chicken was also CURSEDD

it would never find love ever again. That is why there is one rooster and 10 hens. 9 of the hens will never find love which is because the dumb chicken disturbed the ancient floots resting place.

After the chicken became old it was thrown into a volcano that burnt him just like how the ancient floot got burnt.


But now the current possessor of a floot is the Rizzard of Oz. She is so skilled with floots that she fell in love. Over and over she and the floot played music with esch other and it would seem like (y/n) wasn't cursed... but she was

Her curse was to become soooo cursed that she ruined the generation line and have a floot child. This rare phenomenon is so hard to wrap your head around but guess what!

IT HAPPENED. So shut up and stop saying this is fake and all lies. It's the truth and I have evidence. AHAHAHAH

You better be sorry about saying the is was fake information otherwise you'll be cursed too.

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