Chapter 1: Robert pees

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"Oh crap! I'm out of money!" Said Robert. Robert was out of money. "Wah!" So he want to town to find money. On his way though the town Robert passed many people but they didn't have enough money for him to robert.

Suddenly!! Robert sees a boat in the water wit letters spelling Lady Impoppable . Its a really big boat. That must mean it has money! Roberty uses his trusty grappling hook and climbs in though the windo. in the side the sip Robbery sees barels and barels of gold and money and cash and gems and coins and jewlery and emeralds and silver and horses and chairs and gold and money. The horse snored out a big sont. 

                                                                   omg hi

Robert smiled "i always liked horses especially the ones that snot"

"What was that" a person someone said

Robert hid in a barrel and looekd through the hole in the barrel to see the person whi is there to see wo is on the ship and look at them.

Robert saw a sexy sexy man with a cylindrical waist and giant head.

"Hot" said robert

"Who said that" said the hot sexy man

"No me" said robert (he is in a barrel)

The man seemed convinced by roberts convincing argument

"Said the ship!" he sail and the boat started to leave!! But robert was still on it!! Oh no!!

Robby was so scared he peed. The pe e feel oiut of the barel and but the man saw and came over to where robert was (inside a barrel) to see why there was pee coing on the foorl.

"PEEE?!?!" the pirate said and stuck his sowrd in the barrel (where robert was)

"Ouhc!" Robert shrieked "that perced my nosetrail" He jumped out of the barrel (he is not in the barel anymore)

Finally he saw the how sexy sex man infront of him. He was wearing a royal purple hat and a eyepatch. his eye was so hot like a fire

"An intruder!!" said the pirate

"No im robbery but you can call me robert"

"You have to walk the plank"

"Oh no" said robert as the pirates brough him to the palnk he walked to the end and turned back to get one last look at the hot man before he dived into the ovean

"NOOOOO" yeld poop up pirate he jump off the plnak and garbed roberts hand as they plumeded to the ocean. Suddenly the pop pirate popped up and they were in the air!! tehn they were on the boat1! wow.

but while they were in the water robbirt had hit his head on the realy hard ocean so he was knocked out

"wake up Robert" screamed Pop in ribbot's ear. while robert was being unconscious he was thinkin about the awesome handsome cylindrical hunk and the way he popped so when he heared those words coming from the hunk's mouth he immediately awoken!!

"You saved me" Robert gapsed while waking up because he couldnt beleve someone ho hot had saved him adn tiwh hitw with a cool super cool move.

"Did i" said pirate pop up turning as red as a red wsord. "must have been by accident nad not because i u think your hot or any thing"

"Ok then" Robert said corssing his orms "i dont think youe how either" robrte lied

"Your still not a loud on my ship" Said the pop ip pirate " but we do't have space ofr you to sleep" the pierat pondred "all though i gues you could stay in my room. teh captain gets a bigest room"

The room was big. It had a nice window and a fluffy bed. but wait there was only one bed?? they woul have to sharre.


Comprehension questions:

Where was Robert?

WHat is pop?

How old is a pumpkin?

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Do you like pirates?

(P.S. be sure to check us out on AO3, username is sayeconomics)

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