Chapter 8: a hot date

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"letsgoonahotdate" robino says today

Pop nods his enormous head

they find a suitably warm volcano and sit in it. Pinnochio is lounging in silence while robest wonder why pop no care that the lavavolcano is burning up his purate ship

Poop see Rambert's face which is so shocked like a seashell

"i hav anotther wun ;)" pop say secretly like a promise and he pulled out a BOAT from inside his Pop pockets

this is the hottest 🔥 🔥 🔥 thing Roger has EVER SEEN :000000

robert but in a second he feels his bums he's too ng up. they're way too hot now!!

"oh no pop" saids rombert. "maybe we should go now"

"that's ok" said pip "we can go to another romantic date location.

they get on the BOAT and go on the BOAT and they set sail and it's very nice

soon they see an island. on the island is a pastry shop

"woah," says rovert "i have never been to a grocerpasty store before"

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