Brainy, Gremlin Genius

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After sex, there was an awkward moment with the two of them laying together on the floor, still naked and sweaty, where Arwin thought, what now? Was he supposed to return to her room with her so they could sleep together? Should he ask about a guest room?

She solved his conundrum quickly enough. She stood up and gave him a quick smile. "Well, that was lovely, but sex is one thing, sleeping in the same bed and being unconscious and physically vulnerable with a stranger is quite another. I don't trust you enough for that."

Arwin felt even more awkward. He sat up, suddenly a little conscious of his nudity, while heartily enjoying hers. "So...I'm just supposed to wait in the dungeon until called then, am I?"

She nodded and smiled. "For now. I mean, I don't know who you really are, so that would be the safest thing."

He nodded back, wondering how many women would keep men in a dungeon during the get-to-know-you phase if they could. Well, at least the Dark Enchantress seemed to be in a good mood. Happy, even. So his plan to get on her good side had at least made a start. Trying to see how much goodwill he'd earned so far, he asked, "I don't suppose there's a guided tour leaving from the dungeons so that I can see something of the castle at some point?"

She looked away and searched around for her dress. "Well, I do have a lot of work to do. But perhaps I could find some time tomorrow to show you around. We'll see." She bustled over to her dress and picked it up but didn't bother putting it on, only draping it over one arm. She stood there, dark hair mussed, select portions of her normally pale skin still pink. She seemed completely confident in nothing but her own skin, one hand on her hip and a small smile on her lips, as if she knew exactly how she appeared to him right now and enjoyed the attention. Of course, she still wore her heels. There was something very hot about a naked woman in heels. He'd also enjoyed how she'd kept them on during sex.

Arwin wasn't sure what to make of her post-coital behaviour. Sure, they'd just met, but he was used to a little more affection after sex. Or maybe that's just how it'd been with Kelli when they were dating, and now he longed for it. But to be sent back to the dungeon? She seemed content, even happy, but also ready to pick up and leave. Had she cooled towards him, now that she'd gotten a few orgasms out of the way?

He mentally gasped. Was this how a woman felt when a man used her for sex and then took off?

On the one hand, she certainly wasn't being really clingy or overly romantic, which was probably a good thing. On the other hand, he kind of felt disappointed that she seemed so casual about things. It was confusing. He stood and also began picking up his clothes. He hopefully suggested, "I could just wander around a bit on my own tomorrow, too, if you're busy." This would be perfect, as it would let him freely search for Epheria. He wanted to ask for Yaz to be freed as well but suspected it was too soon. He obviously hadn't earned enough trust yet.

"Maybe." She half shrugged. She glanced at the door, seemingly anxious to leave the room.

Arwin decided not to push things. He was escorted by giant spiders back to his cell in the clammy, stone dungeon. She wasn't entirely cruel about returning him there, however. The cell now featured a small cot with a blanket and a pillow. She'd given him a change of clothes. She'd also given him a small globe of magical light. It lit up when he said 'lumos' and darkened when he said 'demort'. It was odd how the globe went out; the light would turn a sickly green, then slither back into the sphere with a hiss.

Once he was alone again in the cell, he tried calling out to Yaz through the window in the cell door. "Yaz! You ok?"

There was no answer. Had the skeleton been moved? Or was he still not talking?

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