Chapter 3

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Ryujin was bored and tired, she had spent the past two weeks studying or in class and there was that girl, Yeji, that has consumed Ryujin's mind day and night.

The girl was something else and the blonde had found herself masturbating more frecuently, in her morning shower, in bed at night, maybe one time in her sofa, while watching a movie, although Chaeryeong would kill her if she found out and she had even gone back into the college bathroom in hopes to find Yeji.

Let's just say that she was pretty desperate and the fact that she didn't even know how the other girl looked, made her even more restless.

So, when Chaeryeong come home one Friday night and said that she wanted to go out, Ryujin didn't hesitate in going with her. The blonde didn't even liked clubs that much, but it was a good distraction and it also helped to break her routine.

When they got there, Ryujin was craving for a drink, so she made her way to the bar and got herself and Chaeryeong a couple of beers. They were soon sitting at the table talking with one friend, when the readhead got annoyingly distracted by a woman that made her way to their table and was now sweet talking her and when Ryujin saw the smirk on Chaeryeong's face, she knew she had lost her best friend for the rest of the night.

Ryujin looked around, there were people everywhere dancing with the music and drinking themselves into a coma.

The blonde decided then that she would go for a dance as well, maybe the music would help her clean her dirty mind.

"I'll be right back." She said to Chaeryeong who was no sitting on the woman's lap.

"Yeah, sure." She got as an answer.

Then rolling her eyes, she make her way to the dance floor, through the sea of people as she got herself a free spot and so she started dancing swirling her hips with the music, her arms up and she closed her eyes, now fully losing herself on the dance floor. Her dance was so good and sexual, and Ryujin was starting to sweat.

Minutes later, she felt hands on her hips and she open her eyes to find a orange-haired girl, looking at her with feline eyes like a cute cat.

The girl was dancing with her following her movements, she was so beautiful and sexy. Ryujin would take her hands away from her, but she honestly didn't mind, so she let them be and smirked at the girl.

The orange-haired kept moving and turned around, so her ass was now to Ryujin, still with a distance on them, but the blonde took the oportunity to put her hands on the girl's hips admiring the view, if the front view was good, this one held its own.

Out of instinct, Ryujin pulled the girl against her and it might have been her biggest mistake, because now the girl was grinding her ass on her like a crazy in the middle of the dance floor and... Ryujin was starting to get hard.


They were both breathing fast and sweaty, so Ryujin decides to hint the girl to slow down, if she knew about her anatomy, this would turn out horribly wrong.

She put distance again on the girl by turning her back around and now their foreheads touching.

"Want yo take me home? My friend kinda ditched me." The orange-haired said into her hear.

Ryujin knew there was a second meaning to it and she wanted to say yes, but the girl couldn't find out about her situation, so she decided that at least she would make sure the girl got home safe.

"Yeah, mine too... Come on, I'll walk you home." Ryujin said.

And with that, they both made there out of there hand in hand, they took their jackets and started walking.

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