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31. Try not to close your eyes, ever. If you must, do so only briefly. If something has moved from its original location in the time it has taken you to blink, it is recommended that you do not blink again until you have dealt with said object. Fire is presumably the best method.

32. If you hear chanting, run until you are out of earshot. Unless you want to die...

33. If you are too old to play with dolls, you DON'T need to be anywhere near one of the creepy little f***ers.

34. Legends can often be valuable insight of where not to go camping with friends.

35. When babysitting, ascertain the family's tastes and preferences, to avoid being killed by poorly selected statues.

36. Even if you are certain that running will not save you, it is always best to try.

37. If you ever find an unmarked tape which contains the file extension ".avi", even if it's of your favorite kid's show, DO NOT, under any circumstances, watch that tape. Now, if the extension is .MTS, that is a different matter altogether.

49. If you go to buy a used video game, whether it's at a game shop or a garage sale, never EVER buy one with a weird-looking cartridge. This includes strange colors and ripped off labels with titles written in marker. The latter tends to happen more often than not. For the daring, don't just buy said game to become famous; your chances of becoming an Internet celebrity because of it can only work if you know how to program. You should also be highly suspicious of games priced too cheaply and bootlegs.

50. If you decide to buy the used game anyway, rip that son of a b**** out of your console the moment it starts acting funny and take a hammer to it.

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