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81. If you get a drawing of Sonic on a disc and the only file on that disc is a .exe file called Sonic don't play it. Destroy it or a demonic being that looks like a Sonic plushie might kill you. If he chooses not to kill you, he will scar you for life.

82. If you see what appears to be a 12 year old child, with black shorts, a gray, bloody shirt, red shades, dark grey skin, and a maniac grin, DO NOT, under any circumstances, piss him off. (unless your Werepire....or brave)

83. Even on Christmas, paranormal s*** can happen.

84. Neighbours may have a darker side. If they do things that seem off for them, act normal.

85. In addition to rule 84, if you hear foreign voices from your body, that means you've been body jacked.

86. If you are an adult and notice that you are being stalked by a guy with a black suit, long arms, and no face, reach for the nearest child and throw him/her at him then run like hell.

87. If you are child in the same situation, run like hell before an adult uses you to satify aforementioned being's craving hunger. If you do not manage to escape before the adult snags you, try bargaining with the Slenderman that the adult has more delicious flesh.

88. The Slenderman (said monster descripted in the last two tips) feeds on paranoia. If you remember Slenderman only wants a hug he won't go after you. But if Slenderman does stalk you, RUN, MAN!

89. If all else fails, give Slenderman 20 dollars, and he should leave you alone.

90. If you see someone crawling around, it's more likely to be something, and you don't want more information about it.

91. If you are being chased by any Creepypasta and feel that you are 100% out of options, attempt to run to wherever Stephen King is doing his next book signing. Your killer will be far too interested in trying to get an autograph to remember what they were doing there in the first place. If Stephen King is not in your general vicinity at the time, R.L. Stine is always available.

92. If you are a Creepypasta reader like me, and feel like things are getting a little too real, take a break.

93. If you find a magic stick that let's you draw living creatures, don't draw yourself. You may be surprised how pissed off your creations can get at you.

94. If you're being offered an orange by a demon, either don't take it, or follow the steps from rule 95.

95. On the third day of the third month of every thirty-third year, seal up all the openings to your house unless you want to be eaten by an evil mist.

96. If you keep finding broken glass in your home, check to see if the shards match the colors of the glass object that was broken. If they don't...run.

97. If Jeff the Killer shows up in your bedroom unarmed and invites you to follow him to his home... FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T DO IT.

98. If you encounter a small creature that looks like a mutant four-armed baby with Jeff The Killer's face, DON'T LISTEN TO IT. Not even if it offers you gold.

99. Stay far, far away from abandoned amusement parks.

100. If your son starts talking about some sort of doll from ANY game. Do NOT play the f***ing game. Take the gaming system, and play baseball with it.

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