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51. If you ever see a strangely new-looking doorway with a strange face on it, on a building you swore you didn't see at first and the building happens to be an old chateau, don't f***ing open it.

52. It's probably best to refrain from looking up on Google the phrase "huskies with grins". You'll just end up having to spread the word.

53. Never allow someone to take a picture of you with an outdated camera. If it's too late, your only bet is to gamble with Death. Or just trap him in a photo. That works too.

54. Don't play with dolls if they come with a needle or a defect. Especially a defect.

55. Burn ouija boards, but be sure to have one of those car fresheners handy. The real reason why spirits get pissed off is because of that foul aroma that it produces when burned.

56. Never confront animated puppets physically. Subdue them with spells or they'll come back with minions or in a real physical body.

57. If you find yourself unable to escape, dancing may ward off the entity. Doing the Hokey Pokey is known to ward off curious monsters but you might have to do the Moonwalk to deal with zombies.

58. If you're checking your computer for viruses and you go TOO deep into System 32, refrain from clicking on any .avi files. If you do not heed this warning, creepy videos on you, dude.

59. If you see old tapes containing the words: "Happy" Or "Appy", pretend you never saw them; just go on with your life. It'll just end up envoking some whacked out, coked up director of an old children's show and you'll wind up having to pull some "Thanks For the Ride" s*** to kill him.

60. If you buy a used camcorder and find the previous owner left one of their tapes inside, refrain from watching that tape no matter how tempting it may be.

61. Be careful when buying an old, second-hand TV.

62. If you see a guy with both an incredibly large smile and black and white eyes, extricate yourself from the premises post-haste.

63. Don't go to a friends' house to bake cupcakes if they have random spurts of insanity.

64. Phone companies with low coverage are best avoided.

65. .exe files with strange names are not safe. Don't open them.

66. For the love of Neptune, turn off your f***ing faucet when you're done with it.

67. If you are told to not look behind you, it's better to do so, unless you're against a wall.

68. Also, do not listen to anybody who tells you to GO.TO.SLEEP. It's better to run away.

69. If you see a tall man with tentacles, run!!

70. Don't enter strange websites.

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