pogues party

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As soon as we pull up to the party I realize it's on the cut, but I feel most comfortable here so i'm not complaining I just hope they don't think we're crashing the party.

I jump out of Topper's truck as soon as he pulls to a stop and get as far as possible and head to the waters.

I sit and watch the waves roll in and go out and soak in the night sky.

I hear laughter and music and people making out.

"Sierra!" I hear Sarah call out giggling.

I groan wherever Sarah is at a party means Topper will follow.

I pull a bag out of my pocket and take a bunch of pills and swallow them down and wait a few seconds for the effect.

I turn a little too fast and stumble

I follow her voice and spot her trying to climb a lifeguard stand I giggle as I run forward shoving past people and make it to her which was only less then 10ft away.

"Sarah what are you trying to do?" I giggle in a daze.

She glances at me and my red eyes she stiffens and her smile falls. "Are you seriously high?" She says annoyed.

I smile, "O-obvi it's a partee." I say all sassy.

She lowers her voice, "You just got out of rehab and your doing drugs? You promised you wouldn't take anymore." She says giving me a judgmental look.

I shove past her and climb the lifeguard stand and stumble trying to stand still, as she climbs up while rolling her eyes once I give her a look.

"First off I know i just got out of rehab I was there." I say squinting trying to focus on what i'm saying.

"Second off yes i'm doing drugs they are so fun they make me feel sooooo good." I say wiggling my eyebrows making her giggle at my goofy face.

"Third off I never never prom did never promised  to take them again you just like said I wouldn't." I say grabbing her hands swinging them.

"Forth off they make me see rainbows and sparkles and when you talk you sound like a robot." I say grabbing her face then letting go and shimmying.

We both start giggling at my ridiculousness.

"Sarah! Sarah, be careful, okay? Sierra!" Topper yells from down below.

I glance down trying to balance on the lifeguard stand.

Sarah jumps down and Topper kisses her forehead worriedly

I sit down backwards and lean down the side everyone and thing upside down.

"Sar Look the world has finally flipped over." I say making grabby hands down at her.

She giggles shaking her head, "Topper can you please help get down?"

I shake my head immediately making me feel nauseous but he already grabs my and flips my right side up and pulls my down to ground level.

I shove myself away from him and lay in the sand.

"What are you doing?"  He questions while Sarah just continues to giggle.

"I wanna go home Sar." I say making puppy dog eyes.

She nods, "Yea same, Topper could you take us home now?"

He nods, Sarah helps me up as I stumble I shrug her off and dust the sand away as we walk past a few people we know.

"Hi." I say loudly to them, they wave making a weirded out face but I just shrug it off and continue on walking but more like stumbling.

"Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah!" I hear vaguely as I turn back around to see a blonde boy I recognized as Jj Maybank stopping my sister from walking any further.

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