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Dom is released from prison early for good behavior before he goes looking for his brother. Jesse, Vince, Letty, and Mia watch in shock as Dom pulls up beside them at a street race.
"Hey," Letty says as she makes her way over to Dom before shoving him against his car. "You had another eight months."
"Good behavior," Dom tells her with a shrug.
"Oh, Dom," Mia says as he makes his way over to her, pulling his sister into a hug. "You didn't call. I would have picked you up."
"I'm here now," Dom says with a smile as they pull apart.
"Welcome home, brother," Vince says as he and Dom share a quick hug.
"Come here," Jesse says excitedly as he and Dom hug while he pats Dom's back. The crowd begins to cheer as Jakob gets out of his car, soaking in the cheers from the crowd.
"Who wants next? I said, who wants next?!" Jakob questions as he looks around at all of the racers.
"I got next," Dom announces as he looks over at his brother.
"Dom," Jakob says as he looks at his brother in shock while Mia looks up at Dom confused. "Well, when'd you get out, man?"
"I said I got next," Dom says as he walks closer to his brother.
"Come on, Dom. You don't want to race me in Buddy's old Charger," Jakob says as he steps forward while motioning to Dom's car. "No, it won't even be close." Jakob points over at his car. "My mustang? With all the mods that I put in it?"
"Car don't make the driver," Dom says as he slightly rolls his eyes while he walks over to his brother before speaking in a whisper so that only Jakob will hear. "Here's how this goes. You win... you come back home. You lose... you keep driving, you don't stop, you don't ever come back. Ever."
"What do you mean, Dom?" Jakob asks as he looks at his brother confused.
"I know what you did," Dom answers him, causing Jakob to frown. "The day we lost him, Dad kept talking about a misfire. Remember? You were the last one under his hood that day. A minute later, he was gone." Jakob's face turns to one of shock. "Tell me why you killed Dad." Jakob thickly swallows because he doesn't know what to say. "Now let's race." An all clear of cops is given as Dom and Jakob move their cars to the on ramp that leads to the bridge where they will be racing. Letty looks at the two cars worriedly as she walks between them with a flashlight in hand.
"Ready?" Letty asks as she looks between the two cars before moving the flashlight to rest on her shoulder. "Set." Each brother revs their engine before Letty turns the flashlight on. "Go." Jakob and Dom both take off in wheelies before Dom takes the lead. Jakob quickly accelerates, getting beside Dom as they move onto the bridge. Jakob panics as he drives while Dom is calm behind the wheel of his car. Jakob glances over at Dom, who twists the knob on his NOS bottle to get it ready. Jakob flips a switch to get his NOS ready as they near the end of the bridge where a crowd is waiting. Jesse runs across, spray painting a finish line as the crowd clears out of the way. Dom starts to get in front of Jakob, causing Jakob to hit his NOS before speeding ahead of Dom.
"Too soon," Dom says as Jakob has trouble controlling his car because of the new speed. Dom hits his NOS before speeding in front of Jakob.
"No!" Jakob yells as Dom crosses the finish line before him. Dom comes to a stop while Jakob continues to drive.


Dom pulls up beside the ran down racetrack where his dad used to race before making his way over to the open garage beside it. Dom hears a baseball game being announced on the radio as he looks around the garage.
"Place still looks the same," Dom says as he looks over at Buddy, who is working on a truck.
"Just like your dad left it," Buddy says as he glances over at Dom.
"I'm looking for Jakob," Dom says as he fully turns to look at Buddy.
"Can't help you, man," Buddy says as he shakes his head.
"I know you took Jakob in after my father died," Dom explains as he continues to look at Buddy, knowing that he would know what Jakob is up to.
"The worst thing you can do to a Toretto is take away their family," Buddy says with a slight glare as he looks up at Dom. "That's what you did to Jakob. You've got people who love you, count on you, care for you. He ain't got no one. You get in his way, this ain't gonna end until one of you guys are in the ground."
"I know you did the best you could, Buddy," Dom says with a small sigh. "But we both know he's about to cause a lot of hurt." Buddy sighs with a small nod, setting his tool down before wiping his hands on a rag.
"I did my best to take care of Jakob. But I'm no Jack Toretto," Buddy explains as he grabs a Corona, opening it before handing it to Dom. Buddy grabs his own beer as he rests against a tool cart. "You've got to make peace with the past if you..." Buddy sighs as he sits his beer down. "If you want hope for the future. He's in London. That's all I know." Dom sets his beer down before going to leave. "Dom." Dom stops as Buddy stands up. "I hope you find your peace." Buddy takes a drink of his beer.
"The chance for peace died that day on the track," Dom tells him before leaving.


"So, was anyone going to ever tell me about Jakob?" Kassidy asks as she, Letty, and Mia walk down the streets of Tokyo.
"Back when Dom got out of prison and made Jakob leave," Letty explains as Mia gives a nod of encouragement. "Dom made us all swear to never speak of Jakob again."
"It was almost as if Jakob had never existed," Mia says with a frown as she thinks about her brother. "I figured Dom would have at least told you about him."
"Sadly no, he didn't. But I guess I understand what Dom meant when he told me that sometimes in life we make choices and we never look back because if we do look back then the choices will haunt us for the rest of our lives," Kassidy explains as Mia squeezes her arm in an attempt to comfort her.
"I think this is it," Letty says as she walks over to a boarded up garage. Letty pulls a board off of the window on the door before looking through the busted window with her flashlight. Letty reaches her arm through the busted window, unlocking the door.

"Han's old shop," Mia says as they look around the garage that hasn't been touched by anyone beside scavengers since Han's death. "God! It looks like this place has been picked over a thousand times."
"Gotta start somewhere," Kassidy says with a shrug as she follows Letty deeper into the garage.
"It doesn't make any sense," Mia says while looking around. "I mean, Han ends up in Tokyo and he's supposed to have something to do with the key? But police records make it sound like he was running around with a bunch of small time crooks." Mia follows Kassidy and Letty into what appears to be an office as Letty lets out a laugh.
"Don't mock it," Letty says as she looks at the stuff on a desk. "That's how we started."
"Maybe Han was looking for a change of scenery after Gisele died," Kassidy suggests as she starts looking through a cabinet while Mia looks at the papers on the floor. "People mourn in different ways."
"How did Mr. Nobody get connected with Han?" Mia asks as she stands up to look at Letty and Kassidy. "And they never... They never crossed paths unless..."
"Gisele," Kassidy says as she looks over at Mia with a look of realization. "She's former Mossad." Mia pulls out her phone to look at the information that Tej had sent them. "Mr. Nobody is a spy. They could have run in the same circles."
"There's Mossad clearance all over the files Mr. Nobody had on Han," Mia says with a nod as she looks at the information. "Mission spikes going back to Mexico."
"Which is where Gisele was working when she met me, Dom, and Brian," Kassidy explains as Letty walks over to Mia, who looks up at them in shock. "Gisele's gotta be the link."
"Leave it to Mr. Nobody to confuse everyone," Letty says as it starts to make sense. "This place is a dead end. Let's get out of here."
"I'll check in with Tej and Roman," Mia says as she pulls up the contact labeled MOUTH on her phone, causing Kassidy to laugh when she sees the name used for her brother.

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