Chapter 1: The Majesty of Chaos

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A fractured moon loomed over a burnt hill as a limping, humanoid thing dragged itself up the crest. When it reached the top, it glanced mournfully at the sky as a small, reminiscent smile appeared on the Creatures face. The unnoticed smile quickly faded as a look of annoyance entered its face. It turned around and spoke as if English was its fifth language
                 "I thought you wouldn't come back this time boy, after I had showed my face."
A small child forced itself into the moonlight
                 "I-I-I do admit I was s-scared" The boy stuttered "But I realized, and I thought, th-that none of it was y-y-your fault." The thing huffed in amusement.
                 "And why is that?" The boy met the Creature's eyes and forced out:
                 "Because grandma said that half your mom and half your dad make you."
                 "So you're saying it's not my fault?"
                 "Yes?" The boy responded sounding puzzled
                 "It is, was, my choice" The thing Responded. The boy took a step backwards and tripped on a rock, falling on the mossy ground.
                 "You chose?!" The boy cried in outrage.
                 "I did. But there's obviously a reason I chose to look like this. No one's ever listened to the whole reason though." The Creature looked apprehensively at the boy.
                 "I don't want to listen." The boy clasped his hands to his ears. The thing raised its hands and rubbed its eyes as if it was tired. It sighed and roared into the black night sky. But it was not a human roar, but the roar of a beast, filled with rage and anger. The Boy, shocked at what he had heard lowered his arms, as if he needed all his focus on figuring out how the humanoid Creature had made such a noise.
                 "How?" The Boy asked in confusion.
                 "To tell you that I would have to tell you the story and you said you didn't want to listen." The Creature looked at the boy in disappointment, and slowly sat himself on the earth. The boy seemed confused, for he wanted desperately to know how and why the thing had made such a noise; but he was conflicted, for the boy didn't want to hear how he had gotten such a face. His curiosity won.
                 "I-I-I do." Stammered the boy. "I want to hear y-your story. I-I don't think I'll like It b-but I want to know. Regardless." The thing looked at the boy with confusion and reluctance, for why would such a young boy change his mind so easily. Human emotions were something the Creature had never understood.
                 "Are you sure you want such a face to tell you such a story?" The Creature asked
                 "I think? I know? Yes." The boy picked himself up and mustered up his courage to give the thing a firm answer. The Creature snarled and the boy, who had just stood up, once again, fell down. The thing gave a chuckle and the boy was fuming.
                 "Why did you do that??"
                 "Because you don't want to listen to the story. You only want to know why I can roar like this. You aren't interested in me. Your horrified by me. And you can't even look me in the eyes, yet you have the audacity to demand to know my life and sympathies with me. If you can't get over looks then I won't tell you. Hurry home little child. Other beasts and brutes much worse than me also live under the protection of the darkness."
                 "No buts. Hurry home. I'll tell you the story when you can look me in the eyes and not flinch or look away in horror." The boy left disappointed and annoyed. The boy felt robbed. After the Creature basically asked for the boy to listen to his story, he had the boldness to deny the telling the of his story. The boy returned and looked at the Creature in defiance.
                 "I refuse. You dangled such a story in front of my face and took it away, you don't take food from a hungry wolf and likewise I am curious; So, I refuse to move until you tell me the story." A smirk awoke on the Creature's face, a face that had not slimed in a long time. And that smirk slowly turned into a grin, and that grin into a laughter like stones being smashed on sandpaper. Slowly the Creature regained his composure and looked at the boy with a newfound glimmer in its eyes.
                 "Very well, I will tell you my story of my roar, but you must also listen to its entirety. I don't want you to leave after you heard what you wanted, or feel sick at the gory bits and faint at the shocking parts. You must listen with not just your ears, but your soul. And listen well for I will tell you it once and how you see me then, well, it will be up to you." The boy looked up with curiosity and just a hint of awe.
                 "So boy? Will you listen?" The boy walked closer to the Creature, and sat in front of it.
                 "I-I will. I will listen. You have my ears and my full attention" The thing once again grinned at the boy.

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