Chapter 3: Elucidation

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"I opened the door way that led to the hall which did not look any better than the rest of the building. I walked towards the middle of the hall where the elevator doors were situated. The metallic doors were broken, and it had two distinct handprints on either side of the door as if a human had wrenched it open. But that's impossible, I thought, unless they're no longer the type of humans I know. I looked down the shaft and saw a clump of destroyed metal located at the bottom, assumed to be the elevator. I made my way down to the ground floor using the emergency stairs; What greeted me was a floating glass orb covered with a whole range or pure green colors. I approached the orb, enraptured by its beautiful, almost hypnotic nature. I heard a voice in my head.
"Declare your participation." I reached out to touch it but was interrupted by a hand grabbing my shoulder, informing me,
"Civilians should not be here, please leave this area immediately or we will be forced to remove you from this area" I turned around and faced a tall imposing man, wearing a suit of metal and steel that covered almost his entire body. I was shocked and immediately showed him a nervous smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm didn't mean to do anything suspicious, you see, I live here and when I woke up this building was, well, as you see it now, and I'm wondering what happened because, ... it feels like the world forgot me." I had stopped smiling at that point. I noticed and shined a brighter smile at the man, most likely a solider I thought. The man looked me with pity at first but that quickly changed into annoyance then anger. He grabbed a block a plastic from a pocket on his leg.
"We have a suspicious figure near GGE-436, requesting permission to apprehend and transport to nearest station, please send backup if there is no confirmation of capture within the next 5 minutes." A voice crackled back.
"Copy. Apprehension approved. Unconfirmed if adapted or awakened human, avoid excessive force. Allowed if necessary."
"Roger" I was wondering what an adapted human was, and who the suspicious figure was, when the imposing character reached behind him and pulled out a strange, bulky looking rifle.
"Empty your pockets, hands on your head, and slowly kneel down." I complied of course; I didn't want to leave this plane early. He slapped a strange band of metal on both of my hands. They pulsed with a strange purple light that seemed to bring life to the metal. I felt fine, for some reason. The man picked me up by the bands as if he was lifting a child and carried me a few meters outside the building to a device which looked like a torture cage. He placed me inside and hit a few numbers on the key pad on the outside. What I was seeing looked strange, as the word suddenly inverted to a palette of blacks and greys which quickly turned into a new environment but I was still in a human sized bird cage. I felt as if I was going to throw up, but I didn't, as an extreme thirst appeared from nowhere, it led me to ask the person Infront of me, a girl in a police uniform, for water. She handed me a large plastic bottle which I drank in one go.
"Condition, name, age, residence."
"Pardon?" The girl looked at me annoyed
"Condition. Name. Age. And residence."
"I'm ... Confused. Marcus Goran. 27. Apartment 18, Martin terrace. What's happening? Where am I going? Why was I arrested?"
"Name: Marcus Goran. Age: 27. Residence: Apartment 18, Martin terrace. Now what is your current condition?"
"What do you mean by condition? I'm confused because it's like I've been asleep for a long time and I don't feel well because of this thing. Do you mean my mental condition? Or my Physical?"
"What I mean," Started the girl, "Is, are you an adapted human? An awakened human? Or a normal human?" She looked at me while I stood there confused.
"I'll just write you down as TBD" She started to walk away.
"HEY. WAIT." I called after her "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" She looked back for a moment and scoffed at and walked away. About a few seconds after she left another police man walked in with look of boredom on his face.
"Another one." He mumbled "You guys just always give the lamest excuses." He walked over to the cage and pressed a button on the bottom. The cage popped up and a handle appeared on the back. He grabbed it and rolled it out of the room, which I finally noticed was strange with wires connected to these big bins glowing white and leading to a platform in the middle of the room, which my cage had previously been on. It looked like a teleporter. A teleporter? My earth doesn't have a teleporter and if such a technology was made, I'm sure who ever made it would let people know. It would revolutionize transport. How long was I asleep that they were able to develop teleportation?
"You will be kept in confinement until we confirm your identity or that you lied about your situation. If it was revealed you did lie you will be confined without bail until your court date. If you didn't lie you will be given a chance to explain your situation to your overseer officer who will decide your punishment." He then proceeded to open the cage and lead me into a small room with a few other people, all wearing the same purple rings of metal on their wrists. "Your finger please." I presented him with my finger, with which he responded by pulling out a glass tube the size of a finger with orange plastic on the end. He pressed the orange part onto my pointer, which, with a little prick filled it up with blood. He nodded and closed the door. I stood there for a few minutes, thinking about my situation. I saw the phenomenon in the sky, went to bed because I was tired and sore, woke up presumably a long time later, and was then arrested for trespassing in the building I live in. Also, there's such a thing as teleportation. I huffed and sat down.
"Sit on the bench, not on the floor" I turned towards the voice. A small child looked at me, smiled, waved, and patted the bench next to her. I warily stood up, and sat on the bench opposite her and looked around, other than the child, there was also an Islamic looking unit with his eyes closed and a spindly man sitting in a corner, with his back covering what ever he was doing with his hands.
"Don't be a stranger." The girl smiled. "Tell me your name. What'd you do?"
"Marcus. I don't know....?" When the girl heard this, she seemed to ponder something for a moment, only to disregard that thought.
"Well, I tried to steal a holystone, a really small one, no bigger than a bit of lint, but it turned out the museum uses energy detectors." She made a smile and put a fist to her head as a show of stupidity.
"What's holystone? What's an energy detector? Is this even Earth? What's an adapted human, or awakened or whatever the lady said? Where am I? What was that room with all the wires and those white bins? What are theses ... things on my wrist?" Now that I had some one to talk to, to have a proper conversation with, all my questions just flooded out. The Girl looked surprised.
"Are you serious mister?" She didn't look surprised or that she was making a joke anymore. "You don't know anything? Do you have amnesia? Did you make up your name?" She looked at me for a second and then seemed genuinely shocked. "You really don't know anything?" I hesitated for a second and then nodded.
"I know I'm in a police station, I know my name, age and all my personal info, but I don't know anything about the strange things you and other people have described." The girl nodded.
"So you want me to tell you about those things?"
"Fine, I'll tell you, do you know of the breaking? Those giant blue and green lights in the sky that seemed to pull it apart?"
"Yes, I remember that vividly, after all it only happened last night." The girl was confused.
"You fuckin with me? That happened about half a year ago." Half a year ago?
"Then, I was asleep for 6 months? I've never been that heavy a sleeper. What happened?"
"I don't know." The girl shrugged, "A lot of strange this happened after the breaking. In fact, this ties in nicely. You were asking about awakened and adapted people, right? Well, as off the breaking almost half the world's technologies stopped working. Hospitals stopped working, planes fell from the sky, basic communications stopped working. Only a small amount of tv channels and electrical circuits could, or even would work. Those lights somehow even interfered with cars and guns, rendering both of them useless. In a single night the world went back to the stone age. Metaphor, we didn't actually go back, but you get what I mean. Anyway, shortly after that, chaos ensued with countries attempting to declare martial law with a crippled communications system, criminals rioting in prisons and gangs taking over the once safe streets." She took a deep breath

"And when all hope was lost, a few desperatepeople fought to stabilize this collapsing world, which in turn awakened themto the power of the blue and green lights. Mana and spirit energy. And that'swhat happened. The awakened and adapted people helped the United Nations tostabilize the world that was on the brink of collapsing. With this newfound powerthey also utilized it to fix and even improve the energy situation. Now, toanswer your other questions. The difference between an adapted and an awakenedis that awakened people are people who have awoken to the power of spiritenergy, they have a natural ability to control the natural energy of thisworld. Their normally elementalists or healers and the such. Adapted are peoplewho trained to feel mana and became stronger by utilizing it. They are normallycombat oriented people. What I stole, well, tried to steal was holy stone. Itswhat was in that big white bin, what allows teleportation, but its really,really, really rare so only governments and important organizations use em'. Imean the small lint sized piece of holystone I stole would be enough to live ina 5-star hotel for a month, comfortably. Energy detector is what you'd expect,detects energy of holystones, mana, spirit energy, and devilstones, which,coincidently are the purple things we have on our wrists, they restrict theusage of spirit energy and mana. Devil stones are much more common but arestill heavily restricted by the government and thus, are worth their weight ingold. And as for where you are, one of the 4 great cities, The city of gates, Hubbub."The girl breathed heavily as if she had run a marathon. "Ok?"

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