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"And then Meap returned with this pharmacist, and he gave us the transfer ray so we could transfer Cutonium into Shanna and de-hypnotize Mitch's army!"

It's supper time at the Flynn-Fletcher household, and Phineas has spent the entire time going over the day's events with their parents. As always, they're just seen as cute, imaginative ramblings and nothing more. Of course, they were out of the house doing stuff, so they were completely oblivious to what their children could've been doing the whole time.

"Wow, that might be your craziest story yet," their mom, Linda, chuckles. She looks over at Candace, who has barely touched her plate of nachos, and asks, "Honey, if all this really happened, how come I didn't get a single phone call about it?"

"I don't have multiversal coverage."


"Nothing. I'll be in my room." Candace takes her plate so she can finish eating in her bedroom, exhausted.



We've been at the MIPS headquarters since we returned to Earth. The 524 people have gone back to their universe, and the contraption that enabled travelling between universes has been destroyed, so for the most part, everything is back to normal. Or, rather, what we would consider "normal".

I'm at one of the computers, scrolling through different universes in our Multiverse tracking program. This program was designed to search for threats to our universe within the Multiverse. It's never been needed, but with the recent events, I figured it wouldn't hurt to check. Next to me is a mid-ranked PK and longtime teammate of ours, Ariana. Her powers are of the mind, including telekinesis, mind-reading, and even homing in on certain locations. As a result, she's one of the smartest PKs in the program, so it seemed fitting to ask her to look with me.

After checking out a few different universes with nothing noteworthy, I decide to search up universes 523 (the one before the non-PK universe) and 526 (the universe after ours). 526 isn't very interesting, but 523 does contain notes about a race of monsters that invaded the world. The news article detailing the story is from four years ago, and says that a group of spies had used technology to warn children about the monsters by making them dream about them. I do some more research, and I find out that the children involved in defeating the monsters included their versions of Sam, Elle, Sean, Shanna, and a group of triplets that both our universe and theirs are familiar with. Their Luke is also credited, and some sources hint at him having similar powers to that of 524's Luke.

"Hey, Luke," I call out as Luke passes behind me. "I found another universe where you have powers."

He takes a quick look at the article. "Heh. Nice," he smirks, then walks away.

A couple minutes later, Sam and Elle join us. "Well, it's as they say: all's well that ends well, am I right?" Sam says.

"I'm not so sure about that," I mutter.

"What do you mean? Mitch is gone, and everyone's back in their own universes."

"Yeah, but people from three different universes just interacted with each other. That could potentially cause some serious problems down the line."

"You mean, like, cracks in spacetime or whatnot?" Elle asks.

"Not necessarily, but just the knowledge that the Multiverse exists is dangerous to have out there," Ariana explains.

"We know at least one of them is capable of technology that can cross the Multiverse. If the wrong kind of people were to discover its existence, it could be disastrous," I add.

Sam spends a couple of seconds in thought. Then, he takes the mouse from me and pulls up universes 252 and 524 on the tracker. With two flicks of his wrist, he casts orange enchantments onto both of them. The enchantments travel into the screen and spread themselves around the universes' maps.

"What did you just do?" I ask.

"Erased all memories related to the Multiverse from both universes. Wiped their entire day. It's as if none of it ever happened."

After giving it a little bit of thought, Ariana and I shrug. "That works, I suppose," Ariana mutters.

"As long as we don't have to do any unnecessary retconning," I mutter.

With that, Sam and Elle leave, and I exit out of the Multiverse tracking program and shut the computer off. Time to call it a day.

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