19. Harry & You

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*Mature Content! Language!

*Adult Content!*

*Trigger Warning! bad dreams, anxiety, & panic!*

      Harry jerked himself awake, drenched in sweat, gasping for air. He couldn't breathe.  The sweet dreams that had lulled him into a deep and peaceful sleep had turned dark and alarming, causing such a physical reaction from him and his body. He tried to regain his composure once he remembered that he was not alone, but you were already startled awake and turning on your light by the night stand. 

"Harry, what's wrong?" you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and moving towards him instinctively. He reached out to grasp for you again, the feelings and movement all too familiar. His mind was instantly transported back to the way he felt in the cafe a few days ago. He couldn't shake the feeling and the nasty memories of the dream, but you were still here reaching out for him.  Harry buried his head into your chest again, and your hands knotted together at the base of his neck. His movements were jerky and frantic, he was groping your body just trying to find some skin contact. Realizing the anxious movement and need, you tried to calm him. 

"Here, here hold on!" You stood up and removed his Pleasing sweatshirt, leaving just your t-shirt from earlier. Harry's flailing hands found your bare arms and his head darted back onto your chest to listen to your heartbeat. Harry's body relaxed at the contact. 

"I'm right here Harry. Everything is okay, I promise." Your hands made tiny circles on his back as his breathing began to slow and deepened again.

"Just a bad dream. I'm sorry." He looked up at you with the darkest green eyes you had ever seen. "Come with me please," he whispered. He needed you near him. Last night had only proven that to him. He was done for now. 

"Harry, what are you talking about? It's 3:37 in the morning, where are we going?" you asked him confused, a small yawn escaping your lips. 

"Come home with me, please. I have to leave for the Brits later today, and I would really like it if you came too. As our second date! Have you ever been?" Harry pulled his head from your chest now, to lock eyes with you as he repeated his request, "Come to the Brits and England with me Peach. Please." Harry took your hands into his, and he started tracing patterns into them. Then he brought your palm up to his mouth, placing a short, sweet kiss too, earning another giggle from your tired lips. He looked yearningly into your eyes, raising his eyebrows in question. Please, Peach.

With unsure eyes, you studied Harry up and down, and then once more. "Okay. Okay but I have to talk to Lennon about this," you breathed out. Harry released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and tackled you back onto the pillows. 

"HARRY!" you squealed as he peppered your face, your neck, hands, and arms with relieved kisses. He brought his mouth back up to yours hovering above it, as his one hand moved to caress your cheek  while he dropped his weight down onto his elbow, lowering his mouth to yours. Finally, Harry thought. He kissed you with a feverish gratitude that left him and you reeling. 

"Thank you Peach. You've just made me the happiest man in the entire world! I can't wait to show you around.  Now let's go back to bed, yeah? The time to get up and leave will be coming soon and then we can get you everything you need. I have extra cases here if you need, or we can just buy you clothes once we get there, or I can drive you back as soon as we're up, after the alarm of course," Harry added, placing three more kisses to your face, one to each cheek and then one to your forehead. He flopped down onto the bed, pulling you onto your side and into his chest. His arms enclosed around you instinctively, and you felt his body relax beneath yours. You relaxed into him, even though your heart was pounding behind your ribs. 

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