32. Harry

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***To quote our lovely lil main character... Just a little taste! Full chapter will be out this evening! I apologize for the delay, I have had a rough family related summer. Feeling better and getting back into my old habits!**** 

*Mature Content! Language!

*Adult Content!*

*Trigger Warning! Mention of crying, panic !* 

Saturday, March 11th

       It had been officially 24 days, an entire three weeks and then some since Harry had seen you. Since Harry had kissed you. Since he had held you in his arms. Since he had fallen asleep next to you, perfectly cuddled into the divot on his chest. It had been 24 days since Harry had apologized profusely. He felt warm, fuzzy, and turned on just thinking about it all now. 

      The two of you had fallen into a familiar routine now, FaceTiming whenever you could, texting often, and exchanging photos because you loved to see what Harry was wearing on stage, or better yet, what Harry wasn't wearing.  As Harry boarded the tour bus, a mixture of excitement and melancholy coursed through his veins. The stage awaited, the crowds anticipated, but a part of him couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow at leaving you behind.  Weeks before, and every day on FaceTime, in your eyes, he  saw a complex tapestry of emotions — pride, support, and a twinge of longing. The thought of you waiting patiently, cheering him on from afar, fueled his determination to give his all on stage. He knew you would be tuning into a livestream on TikTok to follow him, or FaceTiming with Gemma or his mum, or just following along on the internet, so he had to give it his best. Yet, a piece of his heart remained with you aching for the warmth of your embrace. The melodies he  would share with thousands would never quite compare to the harmonies you had  created together. With each strum of the guitar, every lyric sung, each Satellite Stomp stomped out, and the endless cheeky dance moves,  Harry carried your love and support within, a constant reminder of the bond you two had instantly developed. Though separated by miles, oceans, lands, and seas,  your hearts remained intertwined, and Harry vowed to return to you with stories of adventure, success, and adrenaline. Although none of his show experiences could compare to the ones he had with you. 

    Harry plopped himself down in the corner and pulled out his tattered and worn song book, wanting to review some notes he had made before. 

Every passing day feels like an eternity,  as I find myself immersed in the bittersweet symphony of missing you

oooooh so grey  (background) 

Your absence creates an ache within my chest, a void that yearns to be filled by your warmth and presence

 Memories of your laughter and the touch of your hand linger in my mind, 

The world feels dull and incomplete without you by my side, as if a vibrant palette has faded into monochrome. 

ooooh so grey (bg)  

With each passing moment, I count down the seconds until I can hold you close again, longing for the embrace that brings solace to my restless heart.

Distance may separate us physically, but the bond we share remains unyielding, a testament to the depth of my love and longing for you. 

     Harry tapped the pen against his puffed out pink lip, trying to pin down a metaphor to tie into the ideas to the song he was forming in his haphazard, curly head. He ran a hand through his mess of curls, placing them back behind his ears and on top of his head. His hair had grown out quite a bit since he had left.  He let out a sigh, and plopped back into the couch cushions, groaning. He covered his eyes and scrunched up his face, trying to find the right element to attach to the words. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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