26. Harry

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     Harry tightened his grip across your shoulders as you stood in line waiting to order from the same cafe he had taken you to, just a day ago. He watched you silently survey the menu and then look back over it, making sure you hadn't missed an item.  You tapped  your finger aimlessly  to your puffed out bottom lip, looking unsure. He found the act totally endearing as he shook his head to himself. 

God, he was in deep. He even loved the way you reached up on your tiptoes to get a better look at the display case because the man in front of you was blocking your way. God, mate, pull yourself together, his mind instructed him. The line shifted and you moved up to order, stepping out of Harry's grip. A frown instantly etched its way onto his handsome, slightly tired face, but it was easily replaced when he heard you turn to him and ask,

"Hey Ha- uh babe, what did you want again?" you were pointing back over your shoulder to the barista, who was looking at you in an overly friendly way.  Harry stepped up to join your side, slinking his arm around your shoulders again, and pressed a kiss to your temple before he answered your question. You hummed and giggled at his touch, pushing him away slightly. The barista let out a huff while he punched in the order. You were gazing up at Harry fondly as you sneakily tried to slide the barista your card. 

"Oh no, no, no,  you don't Peach!" Harry warned, intercepting the card and shoving his into the barista's hands. He had started to say something and Harry shot him a look that stopped the words from forming. He took Harry's card and charged it, handing it back to him without another word or another look in your direction. 

That's much better.  Harry told you to go find a table, and you stuck your tongue out at him before obeying. He watched you wander through the crowded cafe, searching for the perfect spot. Harry waited patiently for the beverages and sweet treats, delivering them to the table while you furiously scribbled something into your journal. 

"Here you go my love, " Harry stated breezily, placing the coffee mug just out of reach of your quick moving pen. He lingered behind your shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of whatever had inspired you, then he caught himself and wanted to respect your privacy. He placed a kiss to the top of your head before taking his seat. He sipped his coffee slowly, savoring the flavors melting together on his tongue, and the sight of you so engrossed in your journal you hadn't even noticed his presence, or your steaming cup inches away.  Harry's lips pressed together in a small, personal smile as he caught himself lost in another daydream of you. After a few minutes had passed, Harry prompted you softly, reaching out for your hand to stop your pen. 

"Love, your drink's gonna run cold," he chuckled. "What's got you so inspired? I can always order you another, " he suggested.

"I know this is annoying, I'm sorry.  But I just had to get these ideas for the cafe down before I lost them with the hustle and bustle of today's events," you were beaming at him as you placed your journal back into your bag. 

"Now, I'm all yours Harry," you whispered, taking a long drag from your mug.  You hummed in approval of the taste. 

"You are absolutely adorable, Peach, you know that? And I  love hearing you say that. Mine. " Harry found the words falling from his lips before he could stop them.

"Heh, well thank you. You're not so bad yourself either. And I like being yours," you winked at him and reached for his hand. You laced your fingers in between his and rubbed idly across his thumb. Harry hummed under your touch. He was always craving you and your touch now,  even in the most simplest of forms. He couldn't help but want to be near you and touching you at all times. He watched you trace your finger across his hand.

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