pt 9 | The Discovery

182 3 0

Tw s3lf h4rming, swears?

I don't really have much to say except that I hope that most of the people who have read my stories enjoy them since I will be making them as long as I can until making more stories!

Soo ig enjoy at your own risk ✨👺 ✨😈✨😈✨👺


(Mui pov)

My eyes widen for what he shown me next, I didn't believe it, he was trying to-...

𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙥

(Mui pov again lol ✨✨✨ )

He looked away after pulling his haori  (idk the name if his black underlayerrr)
Out, revealing his arm, my eyes are fixed onto the stuff that looks like self harming...why at this time did he show me this, he knew I was sensitive to these things! I look up at genya and say firmly "why... Why the FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS, " I started to sob as the other two rush in to see what happened due to my scream. Tomioka looked over at me sobbing in the floor of the kitchen while sanemi scolds his brother for doing such things. Giyuu tries his best to try calm me down but I get tight chested and started to rapidly breathe, I knew what was happening... I was having a panic attack , giyuu started to panic and genya just looks down in shock since he knew that this was all 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩
I start to cover my ears with my hands trying to make the screeching to stop but it just wouldn't .. Until, all of a sudden, everything went silent... Was I dead? Surely not since I could still breathe. I try to open my eyes but I couldn't, someone was hugging me, I could feel the heat radiating off if them like a human heater.. My heart rate goes down and a start to breathe normally. I had the strength to open my eyes and it was genya whom was hugging me, all the eyes we're on me.. Sanemi looked shocked as tomioka San sighed in relief 'til I heard someone say something.

"I'm glad your awake, I was starting to get worried since your breathing sky-rocketed. " it was genyas sweet voice. I curled up into a ball into his arms and started to drift to sleep since all if my energy had been used trying to calm myself down. Before I closed my eyes I saw sanemi looking down at me, rolling his eyes to say that I was a waste if time, I gladly drift to sleep in genyas arms.

Genya pov

Oh. He fell asleep in my arms, nii-san was going to tell me off for sure when nr tomioka and mui left. Before I left to drop mui off to his bed , nemi opened his mouth to say something but giyuu had stopped him from his lecture and kissed him, further pushing him against the wall I walked up the stairs and headed into my room. I heard another pair of footsteps that followed me up. I looked back out to the hallway and it was nemi bridal carrying tomioka up the stairs as they head into nii-sans room.
"I pray for giyuus legs in advance" I hear myself mutter. I notice that mui phone was vibrating loads, <I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I peaked onto his phone surelyyy 😈✨✨✨ >

Big bro Yui

• you there? I'm coming to genyas house in around 10 minutes . BE READY

<gee his brother cares 𝙩𝙤𝙤 much about him>

(Time to make a keyboard and a reply to yuichiro bc I wanna do sum with my life 💀)

|•yesss I'll be ready Yui! don't worry :)|
| Q | W | E | R | T | Y |  U | I  |  O | P|
|  | A | S | D | F | G | H |  J | K | L |   |
⬆︎    |Z|  |X|  |C|  |V|  |B|  |N| |M| ⇦|
〣┆☺︎ | , |                                   | |.|    ➣|

(THAT TOOK FOREVER 💀💀💀💀 Longer then I expected but at least it looks cool even if it took like 10 minutes) 💀

I put the phone down lightly before turning it off, I nudge mui and try to wake him up so he can get ready. He wakes up and I brush through his luscious long hair. He winces every now and again so I try to be as light as possible.

This is such a short one compared to my other creations but I have no motivation so maybe tmrw itl be better work

Word count againnn: 743 I mean it's alright

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