Chapter 2

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Yoko's pov:

It had been a week or two since y/n came to nevermore and as usual I had a nightsades meeting. I got back to Y/n and I's dorm at 1 am to find her sitting on her bed staring at the ceiling when she is usually fast asleep, however I don't think she's noticed me enter the room. When the door shuts she quickly looks in my direction and just stares. "Hey, you realise your staring?" I ask trying to be polite however I get no response. I throw a book at her like she had done the previous week which caused her to snap out of her thoughts and rub the side of her head in pain. "The fuck was that for?" She quietly yells, "you threw a book at me last week so I threw one back dipshit." I say while smirking. "Fine whatever" she says dismissing the topic, "why are you back so late?" She questions. 'Shit' I think to myself before she speaks again, "well?". " You've just asked me. Anyway I was out for a walk." I say hoping she would by it. "A walk for 3 hours huh?" She says suspiciously. "Why do you care anyway?" "I don't really, I just want to know if my friend is getting into trouble without me. I'm safe to assume we're friends?" She asks. "I don't know do you want to be friends? And also what do you mean you don't care?" I ask with a tad bit of sadness in my voice, "aww is Yoko upset that I don't care on where she has been?" She mocks me. Honestly she isn't being quite as nice as she was when we first met. Was this what she was really like? Was it all an act on her being nice so she could just be another bitch? "Hey you dead over there?" She asks while smirking, "actually yes." I answer leaving her shocked. She asks another one of her irritating questions, "What do you mean your dead?" "Just shut up and go to sleep." I answer back clearly trying to go to sleep so I can have some energy for school. She obliges and went to sleep and it was peaceful.

6:30 am

My alarm goes off and Y/n wakes up looking panicked. "What's wrong?" I ask her and all she says is, "I just had a nightmare, sorry." She had a relieved look on her face though which I found odd but decide to brush off. I take a shower after getting up from bed which roughly takes 20-30 minutes and get dressed. "I hate the uniform here it sucks." Y/n said as she put her hair in a ponytail. "I'm inclined to agree with you on that but it's whatever, we can't really change it." I reply. "Alright I'mma head off to see Divina, you know your way to bio?" I ask as she just nods nervously. "If you need help finding it go to Enids dorm she has the same class as you, however be careful of Wednesday she's overprotective as fuck." I reply as I start to walk towards the door, Y/n just waved her hand before I shut the door.

I went to get breakfast, as I was starving, and bump into Xavier. "Oh hey" he says as he reaches down to grab his notebook. "Hi" I respond dully, "if you still think I'm going to help you break Enid and Wednesday you'd be foolish, and just admit your love for ajax already it's obvious." I say while he looks dumbfounded, "First of all, I haven't liked Wednesday after I realised how much of a creep I was being and second of all, I'm straight." He replies confused "Come on it's obvious. Just admit it." I respond practically nagging him to admit it. "No, I've also got a da- to meet ajax somewhere, so if you don't mind I'll be going." He says nervously as I just grin.

I arrive at the lunch hall and grab a packet of blood to have while I walk to Divina's room. As I open the door to her dorm I am in utter shock to see her kissing. I just shut the door while she gets up and tried to explain what was happening, and I walk quickly back to my dorm not realising I almost knocked Y/n over as I was power walking.

I hear footsteps running after me but I just ignore them and slam the door locking it as I wipe my tears.

I skipped both first and second period and I heard the door unlocking. "Hey why weren't you in second period?" Y/n questions as she shuts the door. She turns around to see my cheeks stained from tears and my eyes red. "Woah. What's wrong? Why were you crying?" She asks sounding worried. "I'm fine. It's nothing." I reply. "If it were nothing you wouldn't be crying." She says in the same worried tone as before. "Why do you even care?" I snap at her, "you've acted like a bitch this morning so why should I tell you?" "I care because your my friend and about this morning, sometimes I act like a bitch just for the sake of it to see how the person I am being a bitch to reacts and to see if they can put up with me at not even my fucking worse so I'm sorry if I was a bitch this morning." She answers quite sad herself, "I think I should go if you don't want me here." She continues as she turns to leave. "Wait." "Just no.. dont." She says obviously holding back tears.

Y/n pov:

I just left. Tears were welding in my eyes as I rushed to Enids dorm. I barged through the dorm door to seeing Wednesday on her type writer and Enid on her phone but on Wednesday's bed. Wednesday and Enid look up to me with different expressions, Wednesday looked like she was about to kill me while Enid looked sympathetically at me and walked over to the door. She shut it and led me to her bed. "What's up?" She asked worriedly. "Yoko snapped at me for asking how she was due to my attitude this morning." I said while sobbing. Wednesday just looked to me with disappointment, "are you actually going to let that upset you?" She said coldly. "Willa don't be mean" Enid said which Wednesday didn't respond to and just turned to her typewriter. "Wait I'm going to assume something if it's right I promise not to post it on my blog" Enid says which makes me worried, "do you like yoko?" I just nod looking down while she looks at me with a sympathetic smile. "Don't tell anyone and that'll be hard but try." I demand. "Don't demand her around" I hear a stern voice say forgetting Wednesday is in the room.

Third period starts and as I walked in someone grabbed my arm pulling me to sit down with them. It was Yoko, she was the last person I wanted to see right now. She kept trying to talk to me, and apologize for snapping and saying she would explain back at the dorm but I just ignored her, mainly because I was failing this class and needed to listen.

After the third period ended I finally replied to her, "just talk to me about it at the dorm. Okay?" "Alright that's all I'm asking for." She said quite hesitantly. I entered the fourth period and this class I was passing so I wasn't listening to the teacher as much as I had to last period.

The period just finished and I was doodling in my sketchbook for most of it when we left for lunch. I got to the canteen and grab my usual food then sat down with Yoko and the others. "What ya drawing?" Enid asks as I'm drawing. "It doesn't matter." I reply shyly as I close my sketchbook. "Cmon it can't be that bad" Enid says as I begin to put it away, "wait is it yo-" "shut up Enid" I say cutting her off. She just laughs.
"Weird, why isn't Divina coming to join us?" Bianca asks in confusion. "Yeah and why is she with that ugly boy?" I ask, they all just laugh apart from Yoko who seems upset. "That's her twin brother kent." Ajax says while laughing hysterically. "Oh." I simply say in response, I look over to Yoko as begins to get up to leave. "Where ya going Yoko?" Enid says before I could. "Oh I'm just going to go for a walk." Yoko says while smiling. "Do you want me to come with you?" I ask, she just shakes her head.

We head to fifth period and Yoko isn't here yet, the teacher does the register as usual and gets to Yoko, "Yoko Tanaka" she calls, "do you want me to go look for her?" I ask, the teacher shakes her head, "wherever she is she will hopefully enter later." The rest of the lesson passes with no sign of Yoko. I rush to my dorm to see Yoko crying on her bed, "what's wrong?" I ask sympathetically, "oh nothing, I didn't realise lunch ended." She says with tear stains on her cheeks once again. "Actually you missed fifth period, so care to tell me what's wrong because it's not like you to skip class." There was clear worry in my voice, "well this morning I went to divina's dorm so we could walk together to class but when I opened the door I found her kissing mark." She says while sobbing. "Oh I'm sorry, come here." I say as I reach out to her to give a hug, she accepts this and just cries into my shoulder. "We can stay like this for as long as you like." I exclaim as I stroke her hair to try calm her down. We lay down on her bed while her arms are around around my waist.

She soon falls asleep with her arms still around me. It was comfortable however, I know she still loves Divina. "Goodnight mi amor." I say as I kiss her forehead then went to my bed as I sleep.

Yoko's pov:

'Did y/n call me mi amor? And did she just kiss me on the forehead? Lord she is perfect but I'm still with Divina and now I don't want to be' I thought as I dozed off to sleep.


(I just reread it and wtaf I didn't know my writing is actually that bad lmao. Anyways take care and stay safe lovelies.)

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