Chapter 6

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𝑇𝑤: 𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑠, 𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒

It was finally Tuesday and the redhead was nervous because she was finally going to see the nightshades. She knew she was friends with them but thought it was different because it was after hours and they weren't supposed to be out. Each lesson felt like an eternity to the girl, while on the other hand, lessons felt like they were going too quick to the vampire.

The readhead and the vampire met after their final class at their dorm. It was silent between them with yoko waiting for y/n to speak up. Once she realised she wasn't going to speak she said, "you nervous?" "A bit yeah." Y/n replied a bit quietly. "Hey you have nothing to fear, you know all of them and if ajax tries anything I'mma beat his ass okay?" Yoko said reassuring the telekinetic.

"Oh by the way, I have to tell you, don't point out to enid that she has a thing for toxic goth girls, you'll notice she's a bit... clingy to Wednesday." Yoko said with an amused smile. "First, didn't need to tell me that. Second, I think it's quite cute that Wednesday actually has someone. And third, what do you mean toxic? I mean your both pretty nice." Y/n said quickly almost forgetting to breathe.

"Well Wednesday is not nice whatsoever, just don't do anything to make her mad or you'll regret it." Yoko said while shaking her head in disbelief if what she had heard. "Well I can see us two becoming best friends." Y/n said while sticking her tounge out. "And what about me?" Yoko said with her eyebrows raised.

"Well.. I was hoping... I was hoping that you'd.." Y/n sighed, "I was going to ask... wouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" She said that fast so Yoko couldn't understand her, "what? Repeat it, please." "I said..... Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Y/n said with a shaking voice. "I'll have to consider it." Yoko said with a smirk.

"Forget it, what was I thinking, you liking me back." She mumbled, luckily Yoko heard it and went over to y/n and kissed her. Once they broke the kiss Yoko asked, "does that answer your question?" Y/n nodded while a smile crept onto her face. She hugged Yoko and buried her head in her neck but it was uncomfortable due to y/n being taller.

"That's not going to work." Yoko chuckled as she removed y/n's head from her neck and instead, placed her head in the neck. They stayed like that for a few minutes before someone barged in through the door. "Y/n I.." That's all that the person got out before stopping. "Awww how cute." The person said and joined the hug, "what do you want enid?" Y/n asked.

"Well I think you should go down to the quad, we need to show you something." Enid said with a weak smile. "What kind of something?" Y/n asked becoming more irritated. "You'll see, oh and Yoko you can come too." Enid said as she looked towards the pale girl.

Once they had arrived at the quad, Yoko had realised what the others were doing and went along with it. Y/n was confused to see what she presumed to be the nightshades with a banner that says 'welcome y/n' (go with this please ik it's bad). Y/n just tilted her head to the side, like a puppy, in confusion. "This is the nightshades, they're welcoming you." Yoko said with a grin.

As y/n started to talk to Wednesday and Enid, with Yoko, ajax came up to them. "What do you want?" Wednesday asked with a stern voice, "I want to ask something if that's okay." Replied ajax furrowing his eyebrows before smirking. Wednesday nods as to tell him that he can, "I wanted to ask... did you like it?" Once ajax said that y/n punched him in the nose breaking it.

"Fuck. You're an asshole why did you do that." Ajax said gripping his nose, "because" y/n said shrugging. "Well we all better go to our dorms before weems sees us I guess." Said Yoko not wanting ajax to fight y/n. "No, this bitch doesn't get to punch me without getting a retaliation." At this point yoko's eyes had turned red due to ajax calling y/n a bitch.

"Just let it go, no need to make a scene" Yoko said through gritted teeth. "Oh shut up fag we don't need you defending your girlfriend." This comment enfuriated Yoko and her eyes went a crimson while her fangs enlarged. She used her vampire speed and strength to pin him against a wall. "You say that again and you'll have one less arm." Yoko growled.

"Yoko.. Cmon please let's go to our dorm." Y/n said placing a hand on the other girls shoulder, yoko turned around and punched, on accident, y/n in the face resulting in her to fall to the ground. Once she had realised what she had done, she threw ajax to the ground, her eyes went back to their normal colour and her fangs decreased in size. "Shit, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Yoko said quickly kneeling down to y/n who was now on the floor.

"Just.. leave me alone.. for now" y/n said as she got up and walked away. Yoko turned back to ajax and her eyes went a darker shade of red than before. She punched him in the chest causing him to start struggling for breath. Yoko then head of in the direction of her dorm without stopping to talk to the many questions that the others had.

Once she had reached her dorm, the raven haired girl heard the redhead mumbling to herself and walking towards the door. Yoko quickly walked away in the direction of the main gate and then into the forrest.

As Yoko was walking down the hallway away from her, the telekentic saw her and think she saw a tear slip. She wanted to run up to Yoko and tell her it was fine and that she knew she didn't mean it but she couldn't. Instead, she headed for Wednesday and enids dorm. She opened the dorm door without knocking and heard Wednesday say "If that's Yoko don't come in, I will pull out your fangs."

Y/n slightly laughed at that comment, Wednesday and enid both turned when they heard the giggle. "Sorry, is it okay if I stay here for a few nights?" Asked the redhead in which he both the other girls nodded. "What's up?" Enid asked. "Cucciola go talk to yoko, I'll talk to y/n. Okay?" Wednesday said in a stern yet soft voice.

Enid nodded and got ready and walked towards the door, but before she walked out y/n quickly said, "yoko isn't at our dorm, I think she was heading out of nevermore."
Enid turned and nodded before heading out to find yoko.

"So why are you here?" The shorter girl asked. Y/n's thoughts were spiraling, she didn't realise that Wednesday had gotten up and sat next to her and shook her. "Huh? What?" Y/n said as she was brought back from her thoughts. "Why are you here?" Wednesday said getting more irritated. "Oh uh.. I wanted to get out of the dorm since the um.. incident at the quad." Y/n replied sheepishly.

"Well, she is pronound dead from now." Wednesday said with a grim expression on her face. "No don't please. It wasn't her fault, she was probably pissed that ajax said that." Y/n said desperately not wanting Wednesday to hurt yoko. "I don't understand. So you want to do nothing about it?" Wednesday asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Please." Y/n said desperately. "Fine. But if she hurts you again I'll make no promises. Even though it's been only a few weeks, you are are an decent peer so i would like to call you my friend." Wednesday said nonchalantly. "Damn I don't think I've ever had friend." Y/n said as a singular tear rolled down her face.

"Are you seriously crying?" Wednesday scoffs. "I'm crying because of happiness you sociopath." Y/n playfully nudges Wednesday's shoulder. "Don't touch me." Wednesday says in a strict tone, as she moved her shoulder away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Y/n said. Wednesday just shook her head playfully.

"I never used to be this soft, when I first came here I was cold and heartless. Then my annoying roommate brought a small bit of light to me." Wednesday said still shaking her head. "Quick thing, Enid has a thing for 𝘵𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤 𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘴 doesn't she?" The readhead said. "It would appear so." The raven haired girl replied with a small smile.


Alright yous probably want an explanation to why I've not released this one for a while. I had writers block and all these chapters so far are somewhat improvised and I've forgot to work on this bc I'm a really forgetful person. I know I promised that there would be more chapters over the Easter holidays, I'll write more now. I'm on phone so it's a little hard to write so my thumbs hurt a bit after typing. Anyway, stay safe my lovlies.
-Your favourite dumbass writer

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