i hate seeing you

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me and Alejandro have been enemies since forever and the worst part about it was that we are neighbours he was so irritating. our bedrooms were opposite to one another making matters a lot worse.

today i was trying to read my favourite book (twisted love) and this annoying asshole started playing loud music not even my head phones could filter it out. i could not read in peace so i opened my window and got my lighter and started to smoke my cigarette. Alejandro noticed this and stoped his music to open his window and tease me. "i still can't believe a quiet girl like smokes" "what would mommy and daddy say when they find out there perfect little princess is smoking cigarettes" teasingly says Alejandro. "fuck off don't you have anything better to do" i snap back.

i get rid of the cigarette atnd walk away childishly sticking out a middle finger at him. as a comeback he sticks his tough at me. i put on my headphones on and listen to music ignoring surroundings singing and swaying my hips to the music.

after me and my neighbours witty banter i went to go downstairs to eat but when i come back up i see Valerie swaying her hips and angelically singing i couldn't help but stare at her curve as they sway side to side. "fuck" i whisper to myself remembering that that's my rival.

last time i checked we have been rivals since u moved here because i don't exactly remember but all i know is that we got off on the wrong foot and we gave since then always hated one another.

while she's singing, to be irritating it's so funny to me how annoyed she gets so i write a note saying "dear cigarette addict please stop singing you sound like a dying roach your making my ears bleed from yours truly...Alejandro:)". she didn't see it at first, but when she sees it she shoots daggers at me. if looks could kill hers surely would. i smile back making her roll her eyes and close her window. i close my window and pull down my blinds to go to sleep.

i wake up to hearing rocks at my window which was from my best friend ceazar he had some more drugs for me to take so i get changed and go down to secretly get it but out of nowhere Valerie appears. "mm dealing drugs are we" "piss off" i snap back. "relax i'm not gonna tell your parents ONLY, if you give me some" she says with a serious look meaning she was not joking. "so your doing drugs now?" "is mommy and daddy's perfect little girl gone now" i taunt "just give me some or i will tell i'm not joking" she says. i could tell she wasn't joking her face says it all. "fine" i say reluctantly giving her some. "thank you nice talk" she responds walking off as if nothing happened.

she's so annoying but, i had to do whatever it takes because if my mom were to find out i'm practically finished. i'm hispanic and latino my parents are spanish and colombian so the punishment will be harsh. i'll probably get beat by the chancla and you don't want to know how that feels.

my life was far from perfect and i really needed these drugs to keep me awake for an upcoming exam i had to study for and my parents had some really strict rules and i don't want them to be mad at me for getting a B last time when i got one my parents were mad at me and kept shouting at me. they even called me a disappointment. so now i study as hard as i can to get to the place they want me to go. sometimes thinking about what they said really hurts me i don't think they realise how it affects me.

anyways i forget that i had to stay up all night and study for the exam tomorrow i was so tired tho but i had to do it so i opened my window. sat outside on the little area i made outside my window and i started to cry because i was really stressed out and tired. i started to sniff the cocaine and i instantly felt the rush.

i didn't realise but Alejandro saw me crying and he came up behind me asking me if i'm okay "hey are you okay" he says concerned "fuck off asshole i'm not in the mood for your bull shit right now" i snap in anger. "i'm not joking i actually mean it what's wrong?" responds Alejandro. it takes me a while but eventually i start to break down"i-i take d-drugs so i can s-stay up all night s-studying for the upcoming e-exam" i stutter while crying. "why your already smart" he says "to you but to my parents it's different i can never get lower than an A they would kill me even if it was an A- there just really strict like that when i got a B they called me a family disappoint and keep comparing me to my older sister" i cry "what you a disappointment no if you were a disappointment it would have been harder for me to piss you off" he laughs "yea this is your cue to leave even if your trying to be nice your still a complete ass"i say sniffing up my tears. "atleast we know someone's happy or shall i say gump oh as usual" he teases "got to bed dick head"i shout back
"night rose" he says smirking "bye romero" i shout back smiling.

enough messing about, now it's serious business. studying, which usually isn't hard however, if he couldn't be any more of an ass hole. he started playing his loud ass music, like seriously. so i have no other option but to pack my things and go to the library which is my only safe quiet space. i am fully aware it's like 7pm right now and it's dark but i really need to study.

so i got to the library, where i spend over 3 hours studying and then, my body started to carve the drugs. i didn't have them on me, so i have to walk back home. we'll regardless on the situation, i still had to walk home in the dark. so, there was no difference whatsoever.

it was really dark. the sky was pitch black but it was being illuminated with street lights. the wind howls and the trees dance around me. while i was walking i feel someone following me but brush it off and continue my walk. i head i to a short cut area and the illuminated sky is suddenly plugged with darkness as you hear the sounds of crunching while my feet wasn't in the rocky ground. the place smells of burnt cigarettes i can almost taste it.

by the time i reach my house, it was late but luckily my parents weren't back yet. i go back upstairs and lie down. while laying down on the bed i reach my phone to see a text from my best friend adora saying, "your always either reading or studying you need to have fun for once meet me at my house tomorrow at 7pm" i look at the text trying to think of what to say back but she sends another saying "please i'll drop you home on time". maybe i'll consider it "please☹️" she texts. okay maybe i'll give in this time. i respond to her text saying "fine drop me home by 9:30" she responds saying "deal" i put my phone down and go to sleep putting all my problems at the back of my mind. ideally i'm on drugs so i don't know this was going to work so i guess i'll just be resting my eyes.

I was chilling listening to my loud music. then i get a text, from ceazar saying "there's a party at my gf adoras house tomorrow at 7pm are you down?" "HELL YEA" i respond. only to remember my rival is best friends with adora. i'm going to stuck with that book whore of an ass whole for a fucking night. especially,how this is a friend only thing so it's like my football friends and and adoras friends which i don't mind except for valerie. i groan out of anger and lie back down on the bed dozing almost immediately to sleep.

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