Chapter 2

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Arthur watched as Percy laughed at something his girlfriend Lucy said, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth and brushing a hand through her bright orange hair. Arthur couldn't help smiling at the site of his best friend and his newfound love, though knew that distantly he was wondering if he would ever find that kind of person. 

           "I'll see you later. Bye Arthur!" Lucy called, a slight wave in her small hand as she walked out of the florist – not without sending a flying kiss to her boyfriend. 

          "So," Arthur began when Percy came over to him. "How's Lucy?" 

          "She's good," he replied. "We're going out tomorrow to the movies." He fiddled with an arrangement of baby breaths awkwardly and Arthur almost laughed at the contrast of his large arms and the innocent flowers. "You know, she has a few friends that she's even said are on the 'prowl'," Percy said. 

          Arthur shook his head. "No, no, no. I don't think so. I told you I'm not interested in anyone you plan to set me up with." 

          "Oh come on," Percy whined, swatting distractedly at some sort of invisible fly in his eyes. "Lance would agree with me. You need to get out more. People are good for you." 

          "I'm quite fine, Perce. I've got friends and the rugby team." 

          "You had the rugby team, had." 

          "Thank you for the reminder." 

          Percy sighed, sitting down across from him, hands cradling something small and fragile – Arthur assumed it was a bee. "Look, Art, I don't mean to be that guy, but I've known you since we were five, and in all that time you've only gone on three dates, all which ended terribly. Your whole life can't be rugby and coming to the florist every afternoon, despite the fact that I appreciate your company." 

          "I'm fine. University starts in a week, and I'll be completely out of your hair with new friends, a new rugby team, new life-" 

          "I know what you're trying to do." 

          "-and a new florist." 

          "You know what I'm saying," Percy said, coming over to a window and opening it up wide enough to let the bee on his finger waddle out and into the open air. He brushed off his hands and closed the latch, sitting up onto the windowsill. "You need a life, mate." 

          "I'm fine." 

          "You can keep saying that, but-" Percy was interrupted by the bell above the door ringing, and without another word he went to greet the customer. 

          Arthur watched as a young man with dark hair strutted in as if he owned the place, marching straight to the counter where Percy waited with an amused smile. "How do I passive aggressively say 'you are a bastard' in flowers?" demanded the man. 

          Percival sighed and began to tell him. This was a common occurrence, of course. 

          Above the two men was a large grandfather clock pointing to 4:55. 

         "Up to trouble again, Lance?" asked Arthur. The man looked over and grinned blindingly white teeth. He had a scruff of a moustache across his top lip and would have been even more handsome without it. He greeted Arthur with a complicated handshake and took a seat without hesitation.

          Lance otherwise known as Lancelot Brigette, was his old neighbour and close friend, who appeared to have even more products in his hair today, making his jet-black locks hang, unmoving, to his shoulders. He beamed at Arthur, cheekbones creasing the smooth molasses of his eyes. 

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