IDEK what to call this dream

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Me and a girl from my primary class were in our year 3 and 6 teachers house for some reason and I don't really know what happened but we were talking and I kept hearing strange noises but I shrugged it off. Oh also we were actually in my house but it was my 'teachers house'. So i was looking around at the paintings me and my sister's painted and stuck on the walls, when I looked back at my teacher he had become an old lady dressed in black. It looked like she was wearing a wedding dress but it was black and her face was covered with a lace veil. Then she just has a can of Heinz beans and she starts scooping it onto her lap with her hands and it was dripping onto the siti. Then I heard little taps on the garden door and quiet 'help mes' coming from the garden (we were in the sitting room and the garden door is right there and it's glass so you can see outside) so I look over and there are two scrawny little children- a boy and girl- standing outside wearing what looked like white nightgowns but they were really messed up and muddy. Then from behind them, another little girl in a white, tattered dress and long black hair going over her face ( she looked like Samara from I forgot what the movie is called, it's the one with the cursed tape) and she was really pale. The girl came up to the children and started forcing slugs down their throats and it was disgusting. Then I look over to my friend and she wasn't there but sister c was and she started taking photos of everything on her phone. Then the old lady gets up, all the beans are gone, and starts walking towards us. The girl outside is still shoving slugs down the children's throats. I looks at sister c and she had become sister d. Sister d got the broom and started trying to fight the old lady or like get her away from us while I tried to open the front door and the dream ended there.
It was so weird like the people kept switching and why was the girl feeding them slugs. Also the beans...why.
This one was also a reoccurring dream.

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