6th prologue

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Suddenly , Hanae heard Claude saying something and snapped his fingers

" Felix " he said staring at Hanae coldly
" I'm bored , take her back to her room , quickly "

The young knight , who was at the side of the emperor, bowed

" Yes , your Majesty "

At these words , the young woman hastened to get up and joined Felix before he moved

And then , she couldn't take it anymore and couldn't stay 1 more second in front of the one she considered her best friend since Childhood

Before leaving , she bowed to Claude and started to walk away with the red-haired boy

As the two crossed the garden , they stopped short when they heard

" I didn't appreciate your bow at all , come back here and do it right "

Hanae felt compelled to turn around and walk back to the emperor , followed by Felix

When she arrived to his side , the girl bowed again

Claude turned his upper body toward her , crossed his legs , and said

" Do you really think that's a way to bow to your emperor ? "

His voice gave her chills in all her body

Hanae decided to look up slowly at him , and again , she saw them ! Claude's eyes had changed color again for several seconds !

She slowly turned her head towards Felix , but apparently he hadn't notice it

Was she mad ?

" I'm waiting "

That voice snapped her out of her thoughts

" I'm sorry...your Majesty "

She tried her best to do a better curtesey while lowering her head even more

Suddenly , she felt something tighten her throat very hard , her head was suddenly lifted in the direction of the emperor

It was in fact Claude who placed his hand on her throat , he seemed so angry but so calm at the same time

Hanae instinctively placed both hands on his , trying to remove it

He tightened her throat more and more
that she could barely breath

The red-haired knight tried to come between the two

" Your Majesty ! You're gonna kill her Highness - "

His voice sounded scared

But Claude gaze froze him on the spot and he dared not say a word or take another step

His Majesty never acted like that towards Princess Hanae ! So , Why ? Why is he doing this ?

Hanae didn't let fear and panic take over her emotions and decided to glare at him

" How bold of you to look at me this way"

She heard him while tightening even more on her throat

She did her best not to appear frightened or weak , but the pain was becoming more and more unbearable , she felt that she had less and less strenght

When , all of a sudden , the necklace she wore around her neck , began to shine more and more , the light spread over the whole body of the princess

She felt that there was less and less pressure on her neck , she looked up and saw Claude starting to let go of her

When his hand no longer held her throat , Hanar leaned forward , and began to cough violently while placing both of her hands on her neck

A few moments later , she look up at Claude and saw his face , he seemed completely shocked

He stood up and prepared to go to the young woman's side

" Hanae ? What happened ? Are you al-"

But he grabbed suddenly the both sides of his head and sat back on his chair , he looked like he was in a completely pain and he started to breathe harder and harder

" Her..Her...I....I..." He repeted without saying a sentence

Felix rushed towards him

" Majesty ! "

Hanae stayed on the ground , looking at them , not knowing what to do , she was still shocked at what had happened moments before

" Her..." She saw Claude pointing at her and holding his head with his other hand

" Her ! " He continued " I don't want to see her here anymore ! She had to go ! "

The knight tried to calm him down

He was screaming , making Hanae even more afraid of him than before

In the panic , she tried not to look him in the eyes , but her gaze fell on the Ruby Palace , which wasn't far from where they were , and through one of the windows , she saw her !

The dancer from last night ! She was looking at them and she seemed to be smiling ? And evil smile !

She rejoiced in the misfortune of the princess of Akaneguro !


This cry startled not only Felix , but also Hanae , who didn't wait a moment longer , got up and rushed towards the palace where she was staying

The young knight started to run after the princess to catch her


" Your Highness, you can't leave ! I'm sure his Majesty didn't mean what he said to you "

But she didn't listen to him , Hanae was packing her bags while shedding uncontrollable tears

Her assigned maids were looking at her without saying a thing

The princess was hurt , afraid, panicked...a lot of emotions at the same time

She didn't wanted to stay here anymore

Despite his many and many attempts , Felix was unable to change the young woman's mind

In less than half an hour , her luggage and her carriage were ready to leave

Felix had insisted to accompanying her

He looked at Hanae getting into the coach while holding back his tears from flowing , he respected his friend decision...

" Hey , Felix " The girl said by the window " Don't worry , i will come back one day "

She then stretched her arm towards him , he took her hand and placed a kiss on it

He raised his head and gave her a smile , a sad one

" So i'll be looking forward to that day "

After saying their goodbyes , the carriage began to move forward and disapear on the horizon

Oh yes she was going to come back to Obelia , to save her friend ! And she was determined to do whatever it took !

Although she didn't know it , this one , watched her leave through the window of his room.....

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