Chapter 4

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The next day , the children were still thinking about what they saw and they couldn't get rid of it from their memory

" We should talk about it so someone , to have answers "

Althea insisted , because she was eager to know who were those babies and that woman

But , again, her siblings refused and the youngest sighed

" No one will answer to us ! If all those belongings were in a secret place , it was for a reason  "

Nevaeh added and her siblings nodded , knowing that she was right


While Althea was staying in her room , Nevaeh and Adonis went outside to play

Of course , the little girl was grounded for 1 week and didn't have the possibility to go out

The blonde sighed as she was sitting on her bed , her legs in the void

She looked at her feet and moved her legs back and forth in a boring way

Before the child let herself fall , on her  back , on the mattress

" I have to know...."

The youngest muttered to herself while looking at the ceiling

The face of that woman was haunting her for several hours

If that person was her mother , she had to know !

And without thinking another second , she ran through the hallways of the palace to go back there


When Althea found herself in that dark corridor again,  descending the stairs , her necklace shone,  just like the day before

Arriving in the room , nothing had move and was just like her , Nevaeh and Adonis left it

The blonde looked around with her beautiful jewel blue eyes , wanting to search for something new to discover

But , she had found nothing...

She took the decision of reading more letters and that's when she found something interesting

It was a letter written by her father

' Hanae , I know that the birth of Nevaeh , Adonis and Althea tired you , I hope for you to rest '

The child's eyes widened , now , there were no doubts , Hanae was indeed the name of their mother

Which mean that the woman on the painting was their mother , and the babies in her laps were her qnd her siblings

Althea couldn't believe her eyes ! Why did their father hid the identity of their mother for so long ? Why ?

The blonde quickly folded the letter and placed it in her hand that formed a fist

She had to show that to her siblings as quickly as possible !


The three were now in the garden , sitting on the grass by a tree

The oldest siblings were reading the letter with attention

" There's no doubt now "

Adonis began while still reading

" That Hanae is our mother "

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