Chapter 25. Toxic

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Lorenzo's pov

As I was sitting in my office; typing on my computer, I heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in" I said loudly and firmly. I sighed annoyed as the door opened.

"Matteo said you were here" a voice spoke. I stop what I was doing, looking up from my computer. I roll my eyes at Esme and continue typing on my computer. "Need something?" I asked rudely.

She closed the door behind her "what's wrong? Why are you being rude all of a sudden" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she made her way towards my desk. I ignored her.

She persisted "Are you going to talk to me about it or are you going to stay mad?" She questioned me as if I was a child. I continue to write down important information on the documents in front of me. "This is none of your concern Esme" I warned her.

"Oh yeah? If it's none of my concern then why are you being hostile towards me as if I'm the one who made you mad?" She testified as she walked around my office, touching everything in sight.

"Can you just fucking leave me alone? Your like an annoying fly constantly buzzing in my ear." I slammed my Macbook shut. She froze.

She looked shocked at my outburst but that expression quickly turned to anger. "You think I'm annoying? Then why the fuck did you bring me here!?" She yelled.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance "Because you asked to come, Esme" I said trying to control my anger. She scoffed "okay you could've told me 'No' if I knew you were going to act like a dick, I would've never came"

I stood up from my chair in anger "Well it's hard to say 'No' to you when all you do is act like a spoiled brat" I spat at her.

She made her way around my desk to stand in front of me, her fiery blue eyes glaring up at me. "I don't give a fuck if your a Mafia leader, I'll die before I let anyone disrespect me! I've never been a spoiled brat so don't fucking stand there and lie." She yelled at me like a mother scolding her child.

As she was screaming profanities at me and pointing at my face, my eyes couldn't help but roam her body.. I could care less what she was yelling about. My mind was thinking of how many positions I can put her in before her legs start shaking.

She continued screaming in my face "Are you even listening to me? See, you never fucking listen to me. Why do I even bother with you-" I interrupted her rant, pulling her into a rough kiss.

I backed her up against my desk, deepening the kiss. My left hand grabbed her throat while the other snaked up her thigh, going up her skirt. She quickly broke the kiss, pushing me off of her.

"Are you fucking kidding me? First you compare me to an annoying fly and then you try to fuck me on your desk?" She scoffed looking up at me with disgust. "You're unbelievably disgusting, Lorenzo" She said softly. Disbelief and sadness laced her voice.

She wasn't yelling at me anymore so I know I fucked up. I didn't mean to yell at her, I was just stressed about the situation that the mafia was in.

She headed straight for the door "Esme wait" I called out after her but she didn't listen to me. She opened the door and pushed past a confused Angelo.

He looked back at her as she practically stomped down the hallway "The fuck was that about?" He asked confused, as he entered my office. I groaned and fell down in my chair.
Esme's pov

Ugh I fucking hate Lorenzo! I'm such a fool. why did I even give my virginity to him. If my mother knew, she'd be furious.

I sat down on the couch in the living room. Even though there were gang members everywhere, I didn't fucking care as my eyes started tearing up.

"Esme why are you cry?" I heard Unique ask. I turn to look up at her and Gianna. They pulled me up off the couch and dragged me down the hallways with them.

They pulled me into a room and sat me down on the bed. Unique spun the lock on the door as Gianna sat down next to me. "I'm so fucking done with that dick." I said angrily as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"What happened" Unique said, as she sat down on the other side; next to me. "Yeah talk to us" Gianna said as her eyes dimmed. I could tell she was getting furious just by me mentioning Lorenzo.

"Basically" I told them what happened when I went to his office. "That little bitch. I can't believe he fucking did that to you!" Gianna yelled "so what are you going to do now?" She asked.

I shrugged "I'm going home" I said nonchalantly. "Like a weak ass bitch" Gianna said. "If that's what you wanna call it." I said standing up.

Unique stood up, stopping me "you're missing out on a golden opportunity to make him jealous. Sit your ass down" she said as both her and Gianna pushed me down onto the bed.

"How would that even work" I asked, unconvinced. I looked up at both of them as they smirked down at me. "Think deeper my child" Gianna whispered with a sinful look plastered on her face.

My eyes lit up "Oh shit, you guys want me to flirt with other mafia men in front of him. You think he won't kill me!?" I said, coming to conclusion.

Gianna rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Well duh, that's the whole point. Well.. not to get you killed but to make him infuriated" she said smiling mischievously.

Unique nodded in agreement "Even though he's my boss, he deserves it for fucking you over like that. In my opinion, it seems like he was trying to use you for sex."  she said disgustedly.

I thought about it. I don't...Lorenzo seemed genuine to me...Maybe he was just stressed and I caught him and a bad time. But still, making him jealous could be fun.

I came to my conclusion. I looked up at them "okay... I'm in"

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