Chapter 3

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                           (Y/N)'s POV

After that disappointing fight we decided to stay in orange town for a bit before we head to log town so we took this as some leasur time. Drill and Gloxina just decide to relax and so Droll can stretch his limbs, Monspeet took Derieri shopping, Gowther and Peronia are doing reaserch Galla is with Galand and Melascula enjoying a drink, Cusack went to talk with Gelda and the last two just decided to help out around the village, and lastly I'm training with my sword. As I was training I heard someone coming up from behind me and I said "is there a reason why your here Nojiko?" She has bing coming to us mainly to talk or have a drink, but she never came to me. She then said "I'm just visiting" I didn't stop training and she asked "so training?" I nodded and we didn't talk much she just kept watching me train then she asked "can I join you?" I stopped swinging my sword and I asked "what?" She then said "can I join you?, you guys on your ship" I asked "why?" She then explained "I want to get stronger, when Arlong first came here I was little and me and my sister Nami hid but our mother Bellmere a former Marine tried to fight Arlong but she was killed. Since then Arlong ruled and he forced my sister into making maps for him so I want to get stronger just like Bellemere" she teared up a little and I get what she's feeling, once I wanted to be as strong as my brother, I then asked "what kind of weapon?" She looked at me shocked and she asked "dose that mean you agree?" I nodded and she brighten up.

I sheathed my sword and I motioned her to follow me and she did, we are heading to the ship and I asked "you said join but you could of just said train so I'm curious why join us?" . She replied "well, Bellmere always tell us story's about her life on the sea and I always want to see it for myself but I stayed for Navi's sake and since Arlong is dead" I nodded at her resoning. Once we boarded the ship she asked "is this a marine ship?" I replied "they destroyed our ship first so it was only fare" I felt her eyes on me and she said "for a shorty you are pretty cold" I glared at her and she shivered, we walked down to the armory where the navy had several barrels of blades so I said "pick one that feels right" she nodded and she looked threw the barrels and she came across a double bladed pole arm, she swinged it a few times and she said "this one feels right" I nodded and I said "then it's settled, I'll have you train with it tomorrow " she nodded and put the pole arm back. When we exited the ship I was met with a rat looking marine and his men, he then said "do you work for Arlong?" I replied sternly "no" he then asked "so where is he anyway?" I said "he's dead" he was a little surprise by this and he squinted at me then he grew a smirk and said "well then I guess I'll just take the money he-" he was interrupted by clapping we turned to the source to see Cusack and he said "it seemed the crooked Marines the people in town told me about are here and there demanded all the treasure we took" the rat man then glared at me and said "you have our money!?" I replied "we killed him so it belongs to us" he then signaled his men aim there guns at us, Nojiko duked and cover but I just smirked. They fired at us but me and Cusack used our darkness to block block the shots, once they stopped they thought they won but i then said "weak" my eyes turned dark and my mark appeared and I ordered "Cusack, teach them a lesson " he bowed and said "of course my king" he then unsheathe his sword and in an instant he killed the rat mans men and he was petrified and he said "wha- what are you people?!" I answered "we are demons, besides two of us we are demons" he then fell and shouted "it-it's you!, the new one on the wanted posters, the demon king!" I walked up to him and he shouted "no!,no!, stay away from me!" I put my hand on his chest and I took his soul. His body fell cold on the ground and then Nojiko came out and she saw the carnage then she looked at me holding his soul and asked "what's that?" I replied "it's a soul" I then eat it to gain more power. She then asked "so did I just signed my soul away" she giggled at that and I couldn't help but smile in amusement.

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