Where Do Babies Come From?

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Azura Noceda, seven years old, oldest child of Luz & Amity Noceda, & older sister of the new born Manny Noceda Jr., was sitting on the couch at her aunt's place holding her baby bro. Her parents were at an important meeting with the rest of the Boiling Isles Council.


She didn't understand why these things were so important. The Boiling Isles is a great home! Why are they always trying to "make it better"? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, Azura thought.

She was rather bored as both Uncle Edric & Aunt Emira were in the kitchen having another argument. Azura hoped she wouldn't be like that with her brother in the future.

Edric had been crashing at Emira's place for the past week because his boyfriend broke up with him. Again. Those two really need to stop getting back together, it's very toxic & bad for Edric's health.

As Azura stared at the sleeping Manny, she wondered something she had heard another student at her school ask the teacher.

Where do babies come from?

The teacher never answered the question, simply saying "ask your parents", so Azura & her classmates were left wondering. No one mentioned it again, so she's gonna guess no one actually bothered to take the teacher's advice.

But Azura's parents weren't here right now.

But her aunt & uncle were.

She carefully sat Manny back in his crib, and walked into the kitchen. Edric & Emira seemed to have stopped fighting, instead just washing the dishes in an uncomfortable silence.

"Where do babies come from?"

Emira blushed as Edric spit into the sink in surprise. The two turned to face Azura, dumbfounded, before looking at each other.

"I don't think we're really the ones to answer that-"

"When two people love each other very much-"

"Edric!" Emira yelled, smacking her twin in the back of his head.


Emira rolled her eyes & bent down to Azura's level, making eye contact.

"You should really have this conversation with your parents."

Azura frowned. It must be really important if only Momma & Mami are allowed to talk about it.

She sulked away as she heard Auntie Emira make a sign of relief behind her.


Two weeks had passed. Now Azura was at Uncle Hunter & Aunt Willow's house. Her moms were having a "date night", & Azura & Manny were once again not allowed to come. Azura didn't know why her moms didn't let at least her join them, but at the end of the day, they make the rules. Literally. As members of the Boiling Isles Council, they help make the rules of the land.

The burning question was still on Azura's mind. She had attempted to ask her parents, but they deflected & changed the subject every time, with Mami specifically getting angrier every time Azura asked. So if they won't tell her, maybe Hunter & Willow will?

She sat Manny in his crib, with Avery the Wolf Palisman crawling in to lay next to Manny. Hunter's Palisman had quickly taken a liking to the small child.

She walked into the kitchen, where Auntie Willow was making sandwiches. Hunter was on a call with Luz at that moment.

"Auntie Willow?"

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