Chapter 1 The Second to Last Day of Summer

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I was coming home from a long summer day. School was starting soon and I was busy getting supplies from the store. After setting everything down, I made my way to the kitchen to get a snack.

As I eat I look around the room. I live by myself since I'm an orphan. It was lonely without my parents but I made it work. As I looked around my eyes landed upon an open letter I received a few days ago.

It reads:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.

Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.

We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.

Yours sincerely,


"..." I remember staring at the letter with a shocked expression when I first received it. You see, I remember everything in my last life. The kind of person I was. The sins I made. The monster I used to be.

The Royal Academy of Diavolo was a school for demons to learn together. It was created by the prince himself. As I looked at the letter I felt my anxiety rising in my chest.

I know just how strong Prince Diavolo is. I thought as I remembered my past life encounter. I shake my head. Now is not the time to think of the past. Just be ready for tomorrow.

All of a sudden I hear my phone ding. I looked at my phone startled. I stared at my phone for a few minutes, then picked it up and looked at the number. It was Ghost.


Ghost:/Hey Human. How is life going for you?/

Human:/Hey Ghost. I'm doing fine.Why are you texting? You know that we're not allowed to text nor call since we are born in two different world./

Ghost:/I know, but you know how Demon is. She heard about the school you're going to and was worried. She just so cute.☺️/

Human:/ True... Let Demon know I'll be fine. It's something new. And it shouldn't be too hard. I'll call if there is an emergency, ok?😁/

Ghost:/Ok. Be safe./


I looked up from my phone and sighed. A few seconds later I let out a giggle.

Demon and Ghost were two entities of the monster from the past. They wanted to be reborn. They didn't want to be monsters anymore. I just followed suit. To be honest, it was worth it. This life was better than my last one. I think...

I let out a sigh and a second later I yawned. I decided I was gonna take a nap. I walked into the living room and fell face first onto the couch. I closed my eyes letting the darkness take hold.


When I opened my eyes again I knew I was still sleeping. I was in a dream. It was odd. Usually my dream starts in a flowery field. But this dream starts in total darkness. As I look around, I suddenly heard a voice:

"Help me...
Please help me. I was locked up by a demon.
You are my only hope, help me get out of here.
I beg you, you must find me."

"Who's there?" I said, calling out to the darkness. But no one responded. All of a sudden you wake up to a different voice.

"We welcome you, human, to the demon student council."

When I opened my eyes I was in a room. In front of me was the demon prince.

The Reincarnated Demon Puppet (Human) An Obey Me fanficWhere stories live. Discover now